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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

U.S. Air Campaign Destroys $42 Million Worth of Taliban Heroin Profits

The unprecedented U.S.-led air campaign against the Taliban’s economic engine, opium and heroin, has destroyed 73 drug labs and deprived the narco-jihadist group of $42 million in proceeds since President Donald Trump authorized the operations in November.

“It’s the first time we’ve used air power to … strike and put pressure on Taliban revenue in the 17 years of the war,” U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Lance Bunch, the chief of air operations targeting insurgent revenues, told USA Today, referring to the authority granted by President Trump last year.

“The new authority allowed us to strike in areas where previously the Taliban felt like they were completely safe,” added the general.

Following a dramatic drop in counter-narcotics activity authorized by former President Barack Obama, the cultivation area and overall production of opium skyrocketed.

More here


  1. At a cost of how many hundreds of millions of our tax dollars?

  2. I'm sorry, this information is MORE data than we've had during the last several Presidential terms. Positive data is positive feedback and EVERYONE like positive information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL loves positive information too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. 12:51 In all seriousness probably less than the Presidential golf trips so far

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 18, 2018 at 10:13 PM

      Must be talking about Obama's Golf Outings. President Trump is visiting his own Golf Courses, so he gets the hometown discount and most of the time probably for Free. He has not come nowhere close to the amount of money Expenses Accumulated by Mighty Barack, thats for sure!

  4. 12:51 PM - It would make $42 million look like peanuts.

  5. Lucky this was done now, if under Obama with Kerry or Clinton as Sec. of State they would have pushed for reimbursement to them.

  6. Eliminating the competition.

    Military is guarding the poppy fields!
    Wake up folks.

    This country is awash in heroin and it ramped up after the invasion of Afghanistan.

  7. OMG

    I bet The Clintons are angry now

    how will they make their homes and boat payments now?


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