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Monday, April 30, 2018

Tucker asks 'Is College Worth it?' 'More Students Are Failing, Yet Almost Nobody Fails'

College has become "crushingly expensive," but is it worth it?

Tucker Carlson posed the question Wednesday night, asking whether American families are getting what they pay for out of the nation's institutions of higher learning.

He pointed to research based on tracking 2,000 college students over several years. It found that 45 percent of students "did not demonstrate any significant improvement in learning" over the first two years of college and 40 percent "didn't learn anything at all over all four years."



  1. High schoolers will be all over this.Underacheivers will be in their glory.

  2. It's turned into four years of Liberal thinking indoctrination and at least twice that many years of debt. What's left is a mass of people who can barely make a living with what they've learned, but with something to whine about and an education that fits right into collective whining, which equates to a political mass waiting for a messiah to bring them home to the realization of the socialist agenda, whatever that might be next week, next year, next generation.

  3. It is only worth it if you know what you want to do and it will pay off to get the degree. Otherwise - NO!!

  4. All college is is a "ticket" the education doesnt matter anymore, just the stupid piece of paper, the diploma, that supposed to grant you the title of "educated". Hell, it doesn't even do that anymore- its just a gateway you have to pass through to get employment.

    It used to be understood that the point of education was to make you a free thinking person in contact with the best that western civ had to offer. Now, its just vocation. Nothing more.

  5. That's what happens when u have to take HS algebra to get to another algebra class to get to another useless math class to get a psych degree. Colleges are having people repeat classes from HS and take class that are useless to keep their profits up.And yes they are all for profit, no matter what they say..the prices alone make it hard to even think about class when your worrying about your job and family at the same time your trying to study..there is just too much B.S. in college nowdays..and even if you get a degree they aren't worth much.The economy is still terrible for anything other than doctors and nurses.


  6. Fairly predictable based on actual skills in place as they exit HS. A great many never laid a foundation for learning their HS subjects. Thus they have little to build on in more complicated subjects. What miracle would suddenly turn them into proficient consumers of knowledge while hanging around college?

    Perhaps they can polish their "Want fries with that?" delivery in time to grab an interview.

  7. take back education....SCHOOL VOUCHERS now

  8. In my opinion, if you are smart and can deal with college AND know what you want to do in future and requires a degree then for all means go to college. At a 4 year school that will accept you. If unsure but think you want to do something that may require a degree start at community college.
    I went to college, pretty good schools including Va Tech. By the time I graduated I was burnt out, and took a decent job but not really using my degree. I had big plans to get into advertising but never happened and settled on sales. Did ok until housing market crashed about 10 years ago and Lowes decided to fire all long term employees making good money. 17 years with them wasted as all my skills were in building materials and home improvement.
    Sorry to digress from point I wanted to make. I think now trade schools are the way to go. mechanics, plumbers, electricians can make big bucks! I really wish I could work on my car besides changing oil. People knock the trade schools, but there will always be a need for those services.

  9. Just look in Maryland. Teachers constantly crying about their pay. Yet they teach our kids NOTHING. Look at the graduation rate. They rather teach gay and transgender rights. Or walkout of school to protest ANOTHER IDIOTIC cause of the teachers union AGENDAS.


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