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Thursday, April 05, 2018

Trump Threatens To End NAFTA, Foreign Aid Unless "Immigrant Caravan" Is Stopped

For the third time in less than a week, Trump has sounded the alarm about the "huge caravan" of Latin American immigrants traveling through Mexico unobstructed by local authorities, and seeking asylum at the US border.

Previously, Trump used the caravan as an example of why his border wall needs to be built and also as an excuse to attack Democrats for their part in watering down border-security measures included in the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill. He's also attacked the Mexican government for ignoring the situation, ominously threatening to remember their negligence as NAFTA negotiations continue.

Today, he took his threats one step further by not only threatening to kill NAFTA - Mexico's "cash cow" - but also to cut off foreign aid to "Honduras and the countries that allow this to happen" before closing with: "Congress must act now!"
The big Caravan of People from Honduras, now coming across Mexico and heading to our “Weak Laws” Border, had better be stopped before it gets there. Cash cow NAFTA is in play, as is foreign aid to Honduras and the countries that allow this to happen. Congress MUST ACT NOW!

The migrants, mostly Guatemalans and Hondurans, are hoping to escape brutality and violence that proliferates in both countries: "The crime rate is horrible, you can't live there," a migrant named "Karen" told BuzzFeed News on the side of a highway near the Southern Mexico town of Huixtla. "After the president [was sworn in] it got worse. There were deaths, mobs, robbed homes, adults and kids were beaten up."



  1. Ah, why not just send in our Navy Seals and end them, problem solved.

  2. I am thoroughly disgusted by all of this, especially with our ignorant politicians who do not protect it's own citizens against this crap.

    I am sick and tired of these people getting a free ride.

  3. Welcome to America, we have all of the above and more.

  4. To 8:04AM ---- Only temporarily until the heat dies down


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