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Monday, April 09, 2018

Trump slams DOJ, FBI over missed document deadline: 'What is going on?'

President Trump on Saturday slammed the Justice Department for failing to meet a deadline to turn over documents related to the FBI’s decisions in the Hillary Clinton email probe, alleged abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and the recommendation to fire former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

“Slow walking - what is going on? BAD!” Trump tweeted.
“What does the Department of Justice and FBI have to hide? Why aren’t they giving the strongly requested documents (unredacted) to the HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE? Stalling, but for what reason?” he added in a second tweet. "Not looking good!



  1. Trump's fault for not getting rid of these Obastard plants 15 months ago .

  2. Shredding, hard drive wiping, bleaching of computers, all kinds of criminal activity is what is going on!

    Oh, wait, that is what Hillary had done, so I guess the FBI is just doing its usual incompetence.

  3. They had to call Hillary to make sure that all the redactions she and her team of attorneys wanted were there.

  4. Somebody should take this halfwits access to twitter away from him.

  5. Sounds like the FBI was busy collecting evidence at his lawyer's office.


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