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Monday, April 02, 2018

Trump Rages: "Use Nuclear Option To Stop Massive Inflow Of Drugs And People"

For the second time in two days, Trump took to twitter to warn about the caravan of migrants headed through Mexico to the the US border, and bashed the Mexican government for allowing migrants untrammeled access to its northern border and Democrats for passing laws that "don't do their job."

In doing, the president demonstrated that he's not only listening to his right-wing critics - of which Anne Coulter the most prominentexample - who chastised him as a "lazy ignoramous" and levied charges that "all he wants is for Goldman to like him" - but is clearly worried about the midterms and a potential impeachment should Dems win the House and Senate.

It also seems that the recently emboldened President is at least trying to give the impression of putting his foot down when it comes to his promised border wall (even if he failed to obtain the funding needed to build it) with demands that Congress pass a comprehensive border-security package and lift certain restrictions on ICE agents.



  1. He should do a go fund me for the wall. I’d contribute! We must stop illegal entry into our country.

  2. We are a country at war, use lethal force to protect our country from invasion. I bet after a week of killing, this invasion would stop.


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