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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Trucking industry pushes teen drivers to fill big rig shortage

Trucking groups are backing legislation that would allow truck drivers younger than 21 years old to cross state borders to help fill a driver shortage, as safety groups argue younger drivers are more likely to be involved in fatal accidents and that the bill’s training requirements are inadequate.

Most states allow 18-year-olds to obtain a commercial driver’s license, yet federal law prevents them from driving outside state borders until they are 21.

But legislation introduced in March by Republican Reps. Duncan Hunter of California and Trey Hollingsworth of Indiana called the Developing Responsible Individuals for a Vibrant Economy Act would allow teens to drive between states after completing a 400-hour training program.

“Unfortunately, we see many young Americans faced with the choice of either taking on thousands of dollars in college debt or entering into a job market with grim prospects for untrained workers,” Hunter said.

“This is a common-sense approach that creates job opportunities for younger workers and provides a vital resource to America’s trucking industry that is critical in supporting our growing domestic economy,” he added.

More here


  1. I used to own a few trucks. My insurance carrier wouldn't allow me to hire anyone under 25. So good luck.

  2. By the year 2024 we are supposed to have driverless trucks all running by satellite and GPS. There is also talk of putting in new roads for driverless trucks. Not a field for a lifetime job anymore.

  3. Oh, Jesus. You think accidents are bad now, wait until these rookies hit the road in force.

  4. The same nitwits who can't put down their phones while driving cars will now be behind the wheel of these large trucks...this will end well.

  5. driverless is the WRONG answer!

  6. Trucking Sucks & Getting Worse ....That's WHY there is a

    Frigg'in Shortage of Drivers > FACT !!!

    Just ask those Many of Thousands who Know !!! Dugh

  7. You are Just a Puppet on a string as a Driver from Now On !!

    Have Fun !!!

  8. We Won't need any drivers anymore since now Tesla makes

    No-Driver / Self Driving ones !!!!

    No need for Logs Anymore ........Whooooooooohoooooo !!!

  9. ELD'S = NO DRIVERS Good Luck Industry !!!!

  10. Going to be alot of "Lot Lizards" unemployed if no truckdrivers.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You are Just a Puppet on a string as a Driver from Now On !!

    Have Fun !!!

    April 11, 2018 at 8:11 PM

    from now on? drivers have been "puppets" for a very long time now. they like to say otherwise but truckers never lie right? lol

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Going to be alot of "Lot Lizards" unemployed if no truckdrivers.

    April 11, 2018 at 9:29 PM

    Naw, they'll just hang out at donut shops.


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