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Monday, April 09, 2018

Trouble brews for James Comey as he prepares to break silence with book tour

In less than two weeks, James Comey is poised to begin a book tour and break his silence about his experience serving as FBI director before he was fired last spring by President Trump.

Beyond the occasional tweet in which he has defended an embattled FBI from Trump's criticisms, Comey has largely kept out of the public eye while wrapping up his book, titled “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership." But with April 17, the day his memoir hits bookshelves, fast approaching, a number of potential complications have arisen.

An ex-FBI supervisory special agent put it bluntly on Saturday when he said he has no issue with Comey, now a private citizen, selling books and charging $1,000 for tickets for people to hear him speak, but that the timing of the media blitz was the issue.



  1. Hey Loretta Lynch if you where just talking about grandkids with Hillary on the tarmac why no video ? My guess Hillary and to you among others on that place had cell phones and the NSA heard EVERYTHING just a matter of time for Trump's New DOJ FBI track it down.


  2. IIRC, Lynch doesn't even have grandkids. And Slick Willie may not have an iota of DNA in his.

    Comey will be turning proceeds of his book deal to his legal defense before all is said and done.

  3. Now Comey will be with Little George Stephanopoulosis an American journalist, political commentator and former Democratic political operative and advisor on ABC for an exclusive interview. I can well imagine how many LIES and made up stories that is going to come out of this. Remember they have a Democrat Agenda to keep the smut going against Trump.


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