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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

This is the real reason many Americans stay poor

In his State of the Union address, President Trump said “there has never been a better time to start living the American Dream.” But the new 2018 Prosperity Now Scorecard and its accompanying report says that isn’t so for low-income Americans.

“The system is, by just about all measures, stacked against those with low incomes and low wealth for the benefit of the wealthiest,” says the report from the nonpartisan but left-leaning Prosperity Now nonprofit, which provides research and recommendations regarding Americans with limited incomes.

One example: low-income people are ineligible for federal programs such as SNAP (food stamps) and TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) if they amass “even modest savings,” the report noted. Prosperity Now calls policies like this “a roadblock on the path to saving.”
What the 2018 Prosperity Now scorecard found

The 2018 Prosperity Now Scorecard and its report, Whose Bad Choices? How Policy Precludes Prosperity and What We Can Do About It, also make the argument that the U.S. economic system and policies of the Trump administration and Congress are stacked against people of color.

“We’ve heard more rhetoric lately about [low-income] people making ‘bad choices’ or being ‘irresponsible with money’ and that’s been the direction policy has been going,’ said Kasey Wiedrich, director of applied research at Prosperity Now. “We wanted to attack that.” One example of the rhetoric: Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) recently said lower-income Americans “are just spending every darn penny they have whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”



  1. Yep, them republicans are concerned about you lower middle - middle class working people. NOT!

    1. So 8 years of the Obama administration with free everything didn't fix it. Wow shocker.

  2. Welfare is to get you back on your feet or to tie you over between jobs not a life long support for generations. I believe in God helps those you help themselves.

  3. "And roughly half of renters (46% of white renters and 54% of renters of color) are what Prosperity Now calls “cost-burdened” — they spend more than 30% of their income on housing costs. “That lowers their ability to save to buy a home,” said Wiedrich."

    But housing costs are more than 30% of income for almost everyone whether they own their home or rent. So this doesn't prove anything. From what I could read in this mostly gibberish article they blame tax and economic policy for people being poor. What a crock.

  4. The real reason? Their healthcare is deliberately sabotaged to make a political statement. Their needs are put behind the needs of the ultra rich.

  5. Stop blaming anyone but Yourself for your repeated bad choices. Responsible.

  6. All i got to say is someone needs to tell President Trump the oil companies are taking back any tax break he dished out. Gas prices have constantly gone up since the tax break occurred. Can someone enlighten as to why. They keep telling us we are our own supplier now. So i guess we are gouging ourselves. I think he needs to go after the big oil companies.

  7. @ 7:51 the middle class is targeted by Democrats as the biggest obstacle in obtain their goals. Even Obama used the reference of "bourgeois" Who the hell uses that term in America besides a Communist Democrat ?

  8. 908
    The article is correct.
    Tax Policy (determined by the Fed) and Economic Policy (determined by the Fed) are exactly what enslaves Western People. All of the problems in society (yes, ALL) are created by the Central Banks which are owned and controlled by 300 financiers (banking dynasty families).

    Read the Creature from Jekyl Island for starters. The conspiracy is real. Wake up and understand how our world has been controlled by the money powers.

  9. 8:51 People (especially the losers of the world) are always blaming the money men for their and the worlds woes. There have always been losers (even before the existence of the money men) and there will always be losers. That's the way of the world, except for communism where everyone loses.


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