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Tuesday, April 03, 2018

This Dentist’s Office Threatens Parents Over Kids’ ‘Dental Neglect’

How sharper than a serpent’s tooth to have a despotic pediatric dentist.

Parents who decide, for whatever reason, that they don’t like their children’s oral care provider should be forewarned. Empowered by government “mandatory reporter” laws, dental offices are now using their authority to threaten families with child abuse charges if they don’t comply with the cavity police.

Mom Trey Hoyumpa shared a letter last week on Facebook from a dental office called Smiles 4 Keeps in Bartonsville, Pennsylvania. It informed her that if she did not make a dental appointment for “regular professional cleanings” for her child, she could be charged with “dental neglect.”

Citing a law called Pennsylvania Act 31 on child abuse recognition and reporting, the dental office threatened to report the mom to state authorities if she did not schedule an appointment.



  1. Keep cheering.

    It is only going to get worse.

  2. If they want patients, I'm sure the threats will limit that pursuit.


  3. Perhaps the Board of Dentist Licensing should be apprised of their esteemed colleague's efforts to burnish their profession?

    Is it blackmail or extortion?

  4. My responce to that would have been a big F you.


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