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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Winter That Will Not Quit

It is time to pay attention to cold climate change—the reality of life we are all going to experience. This month, this year is the start to a cold that will chill the earth and all its inhabitants. This is spring in Manhattan in the above picture, where in Central Park they had their biggest April snowstorm in 36 years. Now we are well into Spring and cold, wintry conditions are still what most Americans are having to deal with.

As we move forward into spring it is a lot colder then we would expect in a seriously warming planet. The headlines for the weekend of the 7th of April read: Record-breaking, ‘ridiculous’ April cold and snow set to hit northeastern U.S. this weekend “Temperatures in the New York City are expected to drop as much as 20 degrees below normal. The Arctic blast will be cold enough to dump snow from Washington to Boston. The harshest weather is set to hit the north and central U.S., with temperatures dropping 30 degrees below normal.”

On April 3, 2018 we had Frost or freeze advisory for Oregon, California, Texas, Oklahoma. A freeze watch means sub-freezing temperatures are possible. These conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation.



  1. There is an information war ongoing and the US military is playing a role in hiding the global warming phenomenon.
    It is quite easy (technologically) to induce cold spells and create ice nucleated precipitation (snow) in a particular geography.
    Ionosphere heaters are being used to "move" the jet stream and everyone working for NOAA are sworn to secrecy about this black operation. Early in January 2018 the polar region of cold air was actually split into 2 pieces. This is a dangerous development in itself.

    I encourage all readers to educate themselves about geo-engineering. The patents are readily available to read. The use of SRM (solar radiation management) has been ongoing for decades now and the military is quite skilled at "shielding the earth from solar energy". The continuous spraying of heavy metals (aluminum, barium) into the high atmosphere is very easy to see visually.

    We rarely have BLUE skies anymore. It is surprising that most older people have not NOTICED this massive change in our atmosphere. The sky is now hazy formless white / silver in color. The beautiful sunsets display color evidence of heavy metals in the atmosphere, but nobody seems to notice. It is amazing to me that no older people seem to be aware of the changes in the sky.

    I strongly encourage the readers to visit Dane Wiggington's site: geoengineeringwatch.org

    Thank you

  2. Yup it is the military they were around with the dinosaurs you freaking tard. They caused the ice age. The weather is always changing since the beginning of time. Oh yea remember put the shiny side up when you wear your tin foil to bed at night.

  3. 340
    Perhaps you are too young to remember real weather?

    Educate yourself.
    629 is trying to help you out.
    Why are you so scared of the truth?


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