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Monday, April 23, 2018

The Most Dangerous Democrat in America

Imagine a combination of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and you've got Kamala Harris, the current seat-warming senator from California who, like Obama, is using the World's Greatest Deliberative Body as a resume-puncher before swiftly moving on to bigger things: the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination. Even as a nobody senator, she's been the subject of dozens, perhaps scores of speculative stories about her future, so now -- lest they build her up too quickly -- Politico and other Democrat cheerleaders are cautioning her to get her ducks in order before heading out on the hustings:

Kamala Harris has been called “the female Barack Obama.” She’s built a national following with her outspoken criticism of Donald Trump and prolific fundraising for fellow Democrats. But the California senator’s rapid rise — she’s just 15 months into her first term — has created an awkward issue: Even as progressives tout her as one of the top 2020 contenders, Harris remains something of a mystery back home.

Her approval ratings are solid, but not stratospheric. And 28 percent of California voters say they don’t know or have no opinion about Harris, according to a recent Morning Consult poll — placing her in the bottom 10 of name recognition among U.S. senators in their home states. A Berkeley IGS Poll in September found California voters — by a more than 2-to-1 margin, 49 percent to 22 percent — would rather Harris stay in the Senate than run for president in 2020.

That disconnect could be a problem with California preparing to host an early presidential primary just after Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. “There’s an old saying: ‘You’ve really got to secure your base before you start wandering off to do other things,” said Larry Stone, a longtime Democratic fundraiser in California.

As Americans have seen during various Senate hearings, she's a fairly nasty piece of work:



  1. Demoturds are done unless of course they cheat.

  2. The most bitter Democrat in the country is the lying criminal bitch Hillary Clinton!

  3. The Most Dangerous Democrat in America

    Imagine a combination of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and you've got Kamala Harris

    I agree and I've been saying that since she came out of nowhere.

    She is going to finish what Obama and his lemmings started. America is toast if she gets elected President. Just like Obama, it's not her that I'm worried about, it's the idiots that will vote for her.


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