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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Best 4/20 Events in Major Cannabis Markets

2018’s been a big year in the cannabis space—January 1st marked California’s enormous jump into adult-use legalization and a surge in cannabis reformation is spreading across the United States. With a boost in cannabis acceptance as the years go by, 4/20 events are getting bigger and better than ever. From massive concerts to THC-infused yoga, major legal markets are leaving no stone unturned when it comes to celebrating our favorite medicinal plant.

So hop over to our dispensary finder, pick out a few favorite strains, and make your way to the closest 4/20 event to join in on the celebration. Luckily, 4/20 lands on a Friday, so events are happening all weekend long.



  1. What a messed up world we live in.

  2. Maryland, as always, will be a little short on events.

  3. 3:39 Are you a communist or one of those democrats who think they know better than I, especially what to put in my own god damn body???? Who the F are you to say or get to say what I do with my own self???? NO one is forcing anyone to do drugs, you have a choice, if you don't like drugs or want to do them, or be near them then don't do them and stay the F a way from them, that is your choice, as it is the choice of these people to smoke pot... It could be worse, they could be breaking into homes for their next fix of heroin... Hell it could be your house they break into next!!!! Oh but out of sight out of mind right???

    So how about you shut the f up and stay to yourself and leave others alone and stay out of their business!!! I know damn well you don't want people in yuor business and telling you how to live...

  4. What Maryland will be doing on 4-20 is handing out a boatload of $100 tickets for possession. Gotta make a buck while the getting is good.

  5. Those $100 fines are illogical. It's either legal or it isn't.

  6. 8:46 It is the republicans that want to control what people do with their bodies. Sessions is against legalizing pot. The GOP wants to outlaw abortions unless you are a playboy playmate that gets pregnant by a a RNC official and is paid $1.6 mil to abort the baby. You really need to smarten up or get off the dope.

  7. I hate all this “cannabis” hype. I have used it all my life. I liked the low key subversive vibe. I hate all of the dispensaries and grow facilities and licensing. These people in the industry are a bunch of carpetbaggers. The old way worked if you kept your head down and shut up.

  8. 846
    Calm down man!
    You're going to ruin your buzz.
    And mine!


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