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Saturday, April 07, 2018

Texas councilwoman charged with disorderly conduct for 'screaming at teenage girl in MAGA shirt

A Texas councilwoman is accused of screaming obscenities at a teenage girl who was wearing a MAGA shirt and waiting in line along with her friends to get cookies.

West University Place Democratic Councilwoman Kelly Burke had approached the group of teens on Saturday and reportedly shouted 'Grab 'em by the p***y girls!'

The father of the girl wearing the Make America Great Again shirt said they tried to ignore the woman, who they did not know was an elected official, however Burke kept shouting.

'At that point the girls were getting kind of scared, and then the woman starts going, 'MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!' while shaking her fist,' the father told KPRC.

The father said the girls left without responding, however the teen in the MAGA shirt noticed Burke had taken a picture of her.

'They were scared,' the father said. 'They were absolutely scared. My little girl essentially wanted to know if this woman was going to hurt her.'



  1. More of the "tolerant liberal democrats" ! I am truly starting to believe that liberalism is a true mental disorder. Can you imagine the news outburst if conservative Republicans acted like this when Obama was elected? They would be demanding these people resign and go to psychiatric evaluations!!

  2. Drug testing for all elected officials!

  3. If they were tatted-up lesbians and a crowd started to terrorize THEM, it would have been a lead story for DAYS.
    Christians? Trump supporters? White people?
    Wait til we start fighting back.

    It's going to be like a tsunami washing over an island.

    Cheer while you still have some breath coming out of your lungs.


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