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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Ten glasses of wine a week can cut two years off life, experts warn

Drinking ten glasses of wine a week can cut life expectancy by two years, a major study says.

Even a daily glass of wine or pint of beer significantly raises the risk of heart disease and stroke.

This likelihood of an early death increases the more alcohol is consumed, the Cambridge-led researchers said.

Experts concluded that, for a 40-year-old, each unit above guidelines takes away, on average, about 15 minutes of their life. That is about the same as smoking one cigarette.

The findings support recently lowered guidelines in the UK, which suggest there is no safe level and recommend that both men and women’s drinking should not exceed 14 units a week.



  1. my grandfather drank a gallon or two of red wine a week. he lived to 91.

    unless these idiots are psychic there is no way to determine when someone is going to die and from what.

  2. As I enter my "Golden Years", I don't see so well, can't hear well, didn't hear what you just said, don't care what you just said, my legs hurt, I sit down, poop falls out, there's things growing on my skin that need removed on a regular basis, cholesterol and blood pressure id too high, this, that, and the other things are going wrong...

    Dammit, gimmee a drink! Can't stand this crap! Gimmee another! I need to think! There's a point where it's time to just sit down and have yourself a good time!

    F___ All Y'all!


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