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Friday, April 20, 2018

“Taking Back Our Community” Opioid Forum to be held in Bivalve

A “Taking Back Our Community” opioid forum will be held on May 3, 2018 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the West Side Fire Department at 21045 Nanticoke Rd., Bivalve, MD. This is the fourth in a series of community forums being held around the county to share with residents what is happening at the county level to combat the opioid crisis in Wicomico County. Community members will also be given the opportunity to ask questions and share what they feel needs to be done.

This event includes a free Naloxone training for community members ages 18 and older, immediately following the community discussion. Those completing the training will be given a Naloxone kit.

The opioid crisis has touched the lives of many in our community. The public is encouraged to be part of the solution to the opioid situation in Wicomico County by participating in this forum.

For more information about the forum or the training, please call 410-334-3480.


  1. You know it's an epidemic when there are junkies in BiValve.

  2. 60k over dose. 500k die from obesity. 90k alcohol related crashes. 480k from tobacco. However only one is epidemic and only one get 50 billion dollars from the government. Hmmmm.

  3. There is and has always been a huge drug problem in Bivalve and surrounding towns.

  4. 1:53, don't forget, 12 kids shot by an AR-15, and students everywhere are terrified! Or at least George Soros and the democrats are telling them to be...

  5. There are even dealers in that area for those that are so backwards they can't make it to Church Street.

  6. Bivalve?

    How hard is it to find THE GUY who is supplying the heroin in Bivalve?

    Get off your donuts and do some police work!

  7. With multiple drug dealers on the Eastern Shore and in every community and Doctors using this drug along with all toxic drugs as a maintenance therapy and not cure the problem you will always have this problem. This is a multi-million dollar business supported by the FDA, AMA and drug companies and people don't realize these organizations are not willing to cut their tax dollars and their income. You never see these organizations support alternative treatment with herbs, vitamins etc. A good example is Glucocil for type 2 Diabetics instead of toxic drugs with sever side effects. It does the same as Victoza.

    1. What herb or vitamin is going to cure a heroin addict with a 5 baggie a day habit? or the person taking pain meds for 20 years for nerve damage but still works and functions normally.

  8. Fentanyl usually cures them the first time they try it.


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