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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Study Finds Berlin Fire Company ‘Not Sufficiently Funded’ For Services Provided

BERLIN – The consulting firm tasked with studying Berlin Fire Company funding released a report this week identifying more than two dozen recommendations for the organization.

On Tuesday, Berlin officials released the fire and emergency medical services funding study completed by Matrix Consulting Group. The firm recommends numerous changes, ranging from reducing use of the outdoor warning siren to providing the town with a five-year financial plan, for the Berlin Fire Company (BFC).

“It’s quite comprehensive,” Mayor Gee Williams said. “I think I can say with confidence the funding study addressed all the topics and subjects of concern or of interest to the Town of Berlin.”

The 88-page document provides recommendations for the fire company in regard to operations, financial resources, organizational structure, operational management and physical resources. The “overarching” issues identified in the report relate to funding and the lack of a formal agreement between the town and the fire company.



  1. Operating that siren must be really expensive!

  2. This is gonna get good! The hillbillies that can't provide enough volunteer staffing, but love to buy, drink, and dictate, are about to be uncovered. There is no surprise here. Get with the program "boy's, and put that days of hidden agenda behind, and share the relationship with the town that you should have all along, and things will get better.

  3. Ocean City is in worse shape. They can’t afford to pay all of their firemen. Some are forced to work for free.

    1. WTF Where is this coming from? At almost 100 k a year for most FF they hardly work for free

  4. They blow the dam siren, and hardly any Volunteers show up. The FEW that do have radios and pagers. It's just another way the clampets hold on to yesterday. That's the entire issue surrounding the BFC, they care less about anyone other than themselves.

  5. Yes, they have to replace the batteries every other week.

  6. With the recent changes Snow Hill Rire Companies "great" chief has made, they won't be far behind Berlin

    1. First thing he needs to do is fire the incompetent EMS Capt.

    2. Ditto, send Holloway back to OC where he and his wife can cry and whine to someone else.

  7. Until Berlin gets rid of Fitzgerald, Trimble's and clan, they are finished.

  8. Berlin's chief is the best they've had, problem is he has NO authority. Mayor William's has said many times, unless the leadership (the same one's responsible for the 2 million dollar settlement) change the Town will fight tooth and nail.

  9. What, the volunteer Farman can't piss away money anymore without being accountable? BFC will never settle for that!

  10. Is this another David Fitzgerald trail of tears and sour grapes?

  11. Citizens, please pay attention? The Mayor is right, this group of redneck's need ACCOUNTABILITY? All they care about is power and yesterday's independence. If they threw out the President, board members such as Pruitt and Ms Hollyway, they could actually move on.They care about nothing other than themselves. Signed, outsider FFP7410 retired.

  12. Anonymous said...
    With the recent changes Snow Hill Rire Companies "great" chief has made, they won't be far behind Berlin

    April 12, 2018 at 11:41 AM

    Well what are these great changes?

  13. Anonymous said...
    Until Berlin gets rid of Fitzgerald, Trimble's and clan, they are finished.

    April 12, 2018 at 1:47 PM

    BINGO!! And Dumb A$$ Bob Culver hired him as his right-hand man at the 911 center.

  14. Sounds like they might want to pull another Ghetto 'Bury and fight for a fire service agreement and rape the county taxpayers more.

  15. 1.47 You are sooooooooooooooo correct!

  16. Berlin is about to build another fire house, and can't come close to providing Volunteers to handle what they have. One big example of just how irresponsible, childish, and stupid they are. The report is the tip of the iceberg.

  17. Thank God for Gee William's, the Fire Company brass has always spent money like drunken sailors, and refused any public accountability. Then the Tyndall lawsuit, acting like childish bullies. The town not only needs to own the equipment, they need to own the Department. Heck, everyone knows it's only a matter of time before they close the doors anyway.

  18. Just like the Fruitland fire company story, the Volunteers are dead, yet won't acknowledge the problem, and refuse responsible help. But everyone shows up for the prime rib banquet, with open bar. And when the equipment fund has a few dollars, let's bring the children in to spec the biggest joke of a fire truck to outdo the Joneses.

    1. Truer words never spoken. I left Berlin 10 years ago, same people, same disgrace today. The only difference is, the leaks have grown larger, and more prevalent. After the Trimble scandal, I thought things would get better. NOT!

  19. Latest news, the joke keeps getting funnier. In today's Dispatch Facebook, Hollyway and wife claim taxes will increase by millions of the study recommendations are followed. Both are a disgrace, fight every losing battle with lies, and have left a wake of hate and damage to every organization they touch. Does the humane society ring a bell? Leave us alone loser.


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