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Monday, April 02, 2018

Soros-Funded Groups Fueling Laura Ingraham Advertiser Boycott

The George Soros-financed Media Matters for America progressive activist group has been helping to fuel an advertising boycott targeting Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show following Twitter comments the media star made about Parkland shooting survivor and anti-gun activist David Hogg.

Think Progress, the media project of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress, has also been using its platform to hype the boycott.

On Thursday, Ingraham tweeted an apology to Hogg, expressing her regret “for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland.”



  1. She does a pretty good job fueling her own boycott.

  2. Yes,., this is ^^his^^ (soroes) plan.!! Say no this his evil Way,s! Say no. Noo! Why can he rule <liberal cyborgs' brains!! Say no to Sorroes say no to peloosi No to OBamma!!!

  3. "They" can't compete with her, a bunch of losers. They are idiot's that think they are on the ball. Ingraham has more smarts in her pinky.


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