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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Sen. Mitch McConnell Kills President Trump's Plan to Cut $60 Billion in Spending

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R, KY) has torpedoed President Donald Trump’s plan to cut $60 billion in federal spending, despite a promise to open a “discussion” on the cuts.

Even after supporting and passing a $1.3 trillion increase in spending, McConnell said he would talk about a rescissions package that had the support of the president. However, McConnell has ultimately refused to support the plan, Conservative Review noted.

McConnell appeared on Fox News with host Neil Cavuto on April 17 and as the interview ended, the Sen. insisted that he could not make such an agreement to rescind any of the massive spending he supported during the budgeting process.

Cavuto noted that President Trump expressed shock that his cuts in spending were not added to the bill and said he would never sign such a bill again. The Fox host then asked if McConnell would try to rescind any of that spending.



  1. Mitch your Fired.

  2. I'm not a political person,but our system appears to scream conflict of interest.

  3. McConnell is quickly becoming one of the most hated people in America.

  4. mcConnell is worse than a snake, worse than a rino. He is treasonous against We the People and MUST be destroyed. He's done nothing but hamper progress to MAGA, thwarts us and supports the deepstate crooks. We need to reprieve to Kentucky to remove this corrupt bastard!

  5. Mc is part of the old swamp and needs to retire or be put out.

  6. The President signed the Tax Bill. His signature is an endorsement. What kind of President signs a bill then wants to gut it? If he didn’t want to okay the spending don’t sign the bill in the first place. It’s so ass-backwards.

  7. McConnell backstabbing Treasonous POS.


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