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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Salisbury, You're About To Get Folked Again

The document with Salisbury City Budget for next year that Jake Day has just proposed has tons of hype and pictures, but details hard to find. The Mayor’s office expense is 36% higher than in FY 2017. Could not find anything about the money they owe to Wicomico County or the lawsuit that it filed to collect.

Wonder how much time and money that document is costing the public. to prepare and publish.

Details here: https://salisbury.md/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Mayor_ProposedFY19.pdf

Compare the City's junk-filled, confusing and voluminous budget to the much shorter and easier to understand Wicomico County proposed budget that Bob Culver has submitted - http://www.wicomicocounty.org/DocumentCenter/View/6821


  1. i see a lot of rah rah "we are Salisbury" booster-ism but not much in the way of bringing in JOBS.

  2. What happened to the $ owed to the previous construction company that was doing Main Street and didn't get paid, but now we have some one else finishing , and then we have 3 years to pay out for the Festival coming in September and it is a 3 year obligation! We owe figures that are piling up and no answers. But he was riding a bike Sunday in his spare time all over Riverside Drive Extd. I guess training for a bikeathon?

    1. Yea I crossed paths with this bozo, hard to mistake that sesame street haircut and let me tell you he better be careful he looked a little rough and struggling a bit

    2. Did you happen to notice the child like green and black jacket this douche bag had on with his name and mayor of Salisbury embroidery?? What a fun**** puss

  3. Should they write it on looseleaf to save some money? Either way you complain

    1. The complaints come because Jake day lied about his intentions while council member now mayor. Help rebuild the city not all this liberal garbage catering to millennials and SU

  4. Jakes motto is if you can not dazzle them with brilliance baffle them with bull sh^%!

  5. Lol who cares let the Salisbury tax payers get hit THEY VOTED FOR HIM.....)

  6. Jake doesn't respect the tax payer, Like most liberals he thinks you are withholding his money.


  7. Whether on-line or printed on paper a misleading budget is intentional maladministration and malfeasance. Just as intended. Woodchuck wouldn't have it any other way.

  8. Exactly 4:12 no sympathy from me. They elect dunn comegy polk shannie ireton day etc....so you get what you all deserve. Idiots moron running the city into the ground..its time to vote with your feet as i did.

  9. Does Jane day live in dabury ?.

  10. Joe,

    The bigger problem is that the "business" persons on the City Council, Heath and Boda, accept this BS without objection. Both are big losers.

  11. One of the most sensible statements I have read in a while 4:12

  12. I would give anything if my old friend Jim Trader could be with us and sit in on today's version of city council meetings. He would eat Day, Heath, Boda alive and embarrass them with FACTS not bogus statistics like their accustomed to promoting

  13. Oh, I can't wait to read the part on the Salisbury Fire Department and what their increases will be.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Should they write it on looseleaf to save some money? Either way you complain

    April 18, 2018 at 3:11 PM

    Aw.. Jake and his minions are still Butthurt. Wah, bunch of whiney Douche Bag Snow Flakes.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Lol who cares let the Salisbury tax payers get hit THEY VOTED FOR HIM.....)

    April 18, 2018 at 4:12 PM

    No, wrong, he wasn't elected. We couldn't get anyone to run Jakie Boi got a free pass. No one wants to be humiliated for everything you do except dumba$$es like Jake Day and Jim Liarton.

    Second, most of us know that Jim Liarton and Chuck Cook rigged the city election to give Jim Liarton the win over Albero and to give Jake Day the win over Debbie Campbell. There is no way that four years earlier Debbie Campbell gets more votes in District 2 than Jim Liarton does citywide and then loses to Jake Day by a landslide. It was rigged.

    Joe was spanking Jim the first half of the day 2:1 and by late afternoon Jim was ahead 2:1. That's some shady magic created by Chuck Cook and his Democratic operatives. You have to remember that Chuck was involved in a high position in the state Democrat Party and the city did their own election in a city firehouse??? Yeah, Jim Ireton had the access to the building so it was rigged just like Hillary and the DNC did the rigging to beat Bernie in the Democrat Primary. No to mention that the slum lords printed up flyers with lies saying that Joe and Debbie were going to cause rents to go up so they got more illegal voters from Salisbury University to vote. Also scared the long-term tenants into voting because of the threats from the slumloards. The city is corrupt. Jake Day, Jim Ireton, Jack Heath, Muir Boda and April Jackson are CORRUPT!

  16. Jake Day has been spending to much time with Jake Yakahomo, Jake Burdett, Dan O'Hairless, Josh Hastings, Seamus Benn, Jamaad Gould, Michele Gregory and others showing that Hate video in Ocean City and other places trying to get the General Winder marker taken down from the County Courthouse. It is County property, not Salisbury property. It is NOT in the middle of Salisbury, it is in the middle of Wicomico County. Jake is using a racist mental midget, James Yakahomo, to fight his battles with Bob Culver and the County.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Whether on-line or printed on paper a misleading budget is intentional maladministration and malfeasance. Just as intended. Woodchuck wouldn't have it any other way.

    April 18, 2018 at 5:35 PM

    Malfeasance in office has been going on since the 12 years that DingleBarrie Tillmon served as Mare. What's new? They are corrupt Democrats and Democrats never get in trouble.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Exactly 4:12 no sympathy from me. They elect dunn comegy polk shannie ireton day etc....so you get what you all deserve. Idiots moron running the city into the ground..its time to vote with your feet as i did.

    April 18, 2018 at 5:56 PM

    Again, no one elected Jake Day for Mare, no one had the balls to run against him so he got a free ride.

  19. Anonymous said...
    The complaints come because Jake day lied about his intentions while council member now mayor. Help rebuild the city not all this liberal garbage catering to millennials and SU

    April 18, 2018 at 6:03 PM

    His plans are to change "Historic Downtown" to into a modern space age looking shithole to appease his millennial douche bags. Guess what, Historic Downtown is regulated by code and a histic commission. How did Jake Day get his new plans to change the historic ambiance of downtown without the consent and approval of the Historic Commission? How did Jake Day get his new plans to change the historic ambiance of downtown without the consent and approval of the tax paying citizens of Salisbury?

    Where did Jake Day get the authority to change the city seal and the city flag without the consent and approval of the taxpaying citizens of Salisbury?

  20. Anonymous said...
    Does Jane day live in dabury ?.

    April 18, 2018 at 6:05 PM

    Not when he is playing Butt Darts with his news reporter butt buddy in Pa. I heard the Ecoli Love Birds were thinking about moving to Gay Key West Florida.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Yea I crossed paths with this bozo, hard to mistake that sesame street haircut and let me tell you he better be careful he looked a little rough and struggling a bit

    April 18, 2018 at 6:05 PM

    How could you not notice his jacked up teeth?

  22. Anonymous said...

    The bigger problem is that the "business" persons on the City Council, Heath and Boda, accept this BS without objection. Both are big losers.

    April 18, 2018 at 8:13 PM

    Muir Boda a business person? He never worked the "business" part of Walmart. He was security and then got demoted to a Gofer job at Walmart.

    Jack Heath better worry about that woman that embezzled thousands of dollars under his watch at the Lower Shore Enterprises.

    Woman pleads guilty in Lower Shore Enterprises theft
    vjunkin@dmg.gannett.comPublished 5:25 p.m. ET Aug. 6, 2014

    • Brenda Malone, 43, of Willards pleaded guilty to theft: $10,000 to under $100,000 on Monday.
    • She will have to pay $75,952.05 in restitution to Lower Shore Enterprises, her former employer.
    • Malone was sentenced to 10 years of suspended time.

    A Willards woman avoided an active prison sentence in an internal theft from Lower Shore Enterprises, but will have to pay more than $75,000 in restitution to the nonprofit.
    Brenda Malone, 43, pleaded guilty to a count of theft: $10,000 to under $100,000 on Monday, and she was sentenced to 10 years of suspended time. Two other theft counts were dismissed against Malone, who was formerly a Lower Shore Enterprises employee.
    As a condition of her five-year supervised probation, Malone will have to pay back $75,952.05 to Lower Shore Enterprises, according to court records. If she were to violate her probation by not paying the restitution, she could face up to 10 years in prison.
    Lower Shore Enterprises is a nonprofit based in Salisbury that helps local people with disabilities find work.
    Wicomico County Deputy State's Attorney Ella Disharoon said Lower Shore Enterprises wanted Malone to pay the restitution and have a felony conviction –– which she now does.
    "It was more important to them that the money be repaid than for her to go to jail," Disharoon said.
    Malone's defense attorney, John Phoebus, said the Division of Parole and Probation will determine a restitution schedule for Malone to pay the money back over time.
    He said she decided to take the plea "primarily because it avoided any active period of incarceration for her at all."
    The binding nature of the plea agreement made it so that the sentence would be suspended, Phoebus said. Disharoon said the binding plea also included the restitution and the 5-year period of probation.
    By making the guilty plea, Malone has accepted responsibility, Phoebus said.

    "She was being provided family health insurance coverage without Lower Shore Enterprises' authorization," Disharoon said.
    The allegations are detailed by the state in an answer to a defense motion filed in June.
    "The specific allegations of theft are that the Defendant, without authority or consent, paid her husband's business' federal income tax debt using funds of LSE; that the Defendant took money to which she was not entitled from a health insurance refund check issued to LSE; and that the Defendant authorized health insurance benefits to which she was not entitled for years 2005 to 2012," according to part of that court document.
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    The total amount of theft alleged in the file is not included in the restitution amount because Malone had already paid back some of it, Disharoon said.
    Lower Shore Enterprises is moving forward without Malone. In February, Luis Luna, who at the time was CEO of the nonprofit, said Malone hadn't been with the organization since September 2012.
    She had been chief operating officer for about six years, and began working there in 1989 as a receptionist.
    "It's a new day for Lower Shore; we're happy to put it behind us and move on," said Lauri Andrews, director of client services at Lower Shore Enterprises, on Wednesday.


  23. Anonymous said...
    One of the most sensible statements I have read in a while 4:12

    April 18, 2018 at 8:17 PM

    Again you DORK! No one elected Jake Day, he didn't have an opponent so he had a free ride you DUMB A$$!!

    1. Once again DumbA$$ NO REPUBLICANS ran against him so who is the DUMBA$$ ? DUMBA$$.

    2. He was elected ONE time Ahole SO ONCE again let the people Eat CROW.

  24. You elected him by not running for office yourself or encouraging and supporting another candidate.

  25. This administration spends an obscene amount of money on itself (i.e. multiple unqualified and unnecessary deputy admins, festival coordinators, etc.) as well as on "rebranding" the city with new fancy logos, happy hour in the street, and expensive crappy festivals... yet has done absolutely nothing to back up this new image. It's all superficial fluff. Salisbury is dying! Maybe they can add the fancy new logo to its tombstone.

  26. Leave it to Jake to make a mistake that's over 1 million dollars in revenue. Look at page 74. Many duplicated lines that increase the revenue.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Where is the information on the new budget Culver has for the County and its increases????

  29. Anonymous said...
    Did you happen to notice the child like green and black jacket this douche bag had on with his name and mayor of Salisbury embroidery?? What a fun**** puss

    April 19, 2018 at 5:53 PM

    He is eat up with himself. You should have seen his dad last night at the Chamber of Commerce awards banquet feeding off of Jakes small popularity.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Once again DumbA$$ NO REPUBLICANS ran against him so who is the DUMBA$$ ? DUMBA$$.

    April 19, 2018 at 8:42 AM


  31. 4-20-2018 @ 12:52 PM
    Engine 16-1 with 3, Assistant Chief 1 with 1 and Paramedic 2 with 2
    18 y/o male had something on his shoe and slip and fell with "obvious deformity to the knee"

    Wicomico County 911 just dispatched a fire truck and an ambulance to Popeyes for an industrial accident, subject slipped and fell.

    How can Bob Culver allow his dispatchers at Central to dispatch such stupid calls??

    How can Jake Day allow his fire department to continue to run on those stupid calls and then continue to buy new fire trucks and build new fire stations?

    "Engine 16-1 is on the scene, 121 A has Popeyes Command. Bahahahahahaha!" @ 1300 hours
    "Popeyes command" How stupid does that sound??

    "Assistant Chief 1 is on the scene, Central go ahead and mark me available." @ 1300 hours
    If you are available as soon as you arrived then why the Hell did you respond then putting many lives at risk? You weren't even dispatched.

    "Popeyes Command under control" @ 1301 hours
    Placed the situation under control

    "Paramedic 2 transporting to the hospital" @ 1306 hours.

    "Popeyes command available, Engine 16-1 available." @ 1306 hours.

    A fire engine response was not even needed on this call. An "industrial accident" should not have even been the type of call. It was just a subject that slipped and fell. Only an ambulance was needed for this call. Bunch of damn idiots!

  32. **IMPORTANT**

    Letter to the editor

    The Salisbury Fire Department has a Cluster F*** going on right now at 4:04 PM.

    Engine 16-1, AC 1, and Truck 2 are at SU for Smoke in the Building at the Guereri University Center. No fire, just smoke.

    Then Central dispatches Station 16 and 2 for an MVC with Rescue at West Salisbury Parkway and West Isabella Street with up to 5 patients.

    A Volunteer firefighter 627 was on the scene of the Rescue and started calling for Rescue 16 and Central advised him that there were no units responding. He advised Central there were 5 patients, 4 adults and 1 toddler.

    Paramedic B5 from Hebron was alerted and responding. Paramedic John Wilson asked Central if there were any other ambulances responding and Central said NO! Paramedic Wilson on B5 said "Well you better get 2 more from somewhere!!" Good job John Wilson, Wicomico Central FAILED YOU! Wicomico Central SUCKS!

    Wicomico Central then dispatches Fruitland and Delmar for 2 Ambulances.

    Rescue 16 finally responds and establishes command with that goofball 1616(Jon Black).

    Rescue Engine 302 was diverted from the call at SU to the Rescue.

    Central advises SU Command that there was no Response out of Station #2 Volunteer after 3 alerts and if that was Ok? Little Jimmy said that was Ok. They didn't realert the volunteers out of Station 1 or Station 16, but they try to make Station 2 volunteers look bad.

    SU Command under control at 1624.

    This is an embarrassing day Chief Rick Hoppes with a P!ss Poor response to 2 calls that had to be handled by Fruitland, Delmar, Hebron and a Parsonsburg volunteer fireman.

    This is also an embarrassing day for Wicomico Central for not dispatching the appropriate resources when needed. Thanks to the Paramedic from Hebron who wasn't on the scene yet to tell those idiots at Central what to do.

    God help the next paid fire chief hired by Wannabe Mayor Jake Day!!

  33. **IMPORTANT**

    Letter to the editor

    The Salisbury Fire Department has a Cluster F*** going on right now at 4:04 PM.

    Engine 16-1, AC 1, and Truck 2 are at SU for Smoke in the Building at the Guereri University Center. No fire, just smoke.

    Then Central dispatches Station 16 and 2 for an MVC with Rescue at West Salisbury Parkway and West Isabella Street with up to 5 patients.

    A Volunteer firefighter 627 was on the scene of the Rescue and started calling for Rescue 16 and Central advised him that there were no units responding. He advised Central there were 5 patients, 4 adults and 1 toddler.

    Paramedic B5 from Hebron was alerted and responding. Paramedic John Wilson asked Central if there were any other ambulances responding and Central said NO! Paramedic Wilson on B5 said "Well you better get 2 more from somewhere!!" Good job John Wilson, Wicomico Central FAILED YOU! Wicomico Central SUCKS!

    Wicomico Central then dispatches Fruitland and Delmar for 2 Ambulances.

    Rescue 16 finally responds and establishes command with that goofball 1616(Jon Black).

    Rescue Engine 302 was diverted from the call at SU to the Rescue.

    Central advises SU Command that there was no Response out of Station #2 Volunteer after 3 alerts and if that was Ok? Little Jimmy said that was Ok. They didn't realert the volunteers out of Station 1 or Station 16, but they try to make Station 2 volunteers look bad.

    SU Command under control at 1624.

    This is an embarrassing day Chief Rick Hoppes with a P!ss Poor response to 2 calls that had to be handled by Fruitland, Delmar, Hebron and a Parsonsburg volunteer fireman.

    This is also an embarrassing day for Wicomico Central for not dispatching the appropriate resources when needed. Thanks to the Paramedic from Hebron who wasn't on the scene yet to tell those idiots at Central what to do.

    God help the next paid fire chief hired by Wannabe Mayor Jake Day!!

    April 20, 2018 at 4:34 PM

    Joe you really should make this a "Comment Worthy of a Post" to show everyone that Jake Day is too stupid and immature to be responsible for the Salisbury Fire Department and the Salisbury Police Department. This is a serious reflection of Jake Day's poor leadership.

  34. 2:41,

    Sounds like part, possible most of the cause of that Cluster F*** was due to Wicomico Central, not SFD.

  35. Now we see who Carl Anderton is endorsing for County Executive. And I have personally and recently heard him say so.

    Carl Anderton needs to be ashamed of himself endorsing and voting outside the party line. What does he care, he's getting a free ride this election since no one filed to run against him and now he wants to run for County Exec. in 4 years, the POS!

    And look at Jake Day rubbing it in for you, Joe and Bob C. He changed his profile pic from his gas SBY Logo to this yesterday.


  36. Carl Anderton making up for the fake day endorsement.

  37. Please note all those out there looking forward to the 1st of 3 festivals to be held in Salisbury this September. Check out the median strip of grass running south from SSU to Fruitland the grass is over 14" high and very unkept. This is what you want these visitors to see bad roads many potholes, derelict buildings all over the city store vacancies and homes with multiple violations. Tires stacked all up and down 13 starting at the adult book store all the way up route 13 North, various garages with stacks and stacks of these tires and dirty exteriors of businesses needing power washes, painting or both. Also boarded up retail places. Jake don't worry about raising the water rates you need to get your head out of your ____ and put the city and taxpayers first!!!!!!


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