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Sunday, April 01, 2018

Salisbury Starbucks


  1. I have never understood why anyone would go to starbucks in the first place. It's a total waste of money. Must be an ego thing.

    1. No status thing. You have arrived if you buy Starbucks . I did once and never again. It was terrible. Washington's Best is the best coffee.

  2. I haven't done business with them for years. Their left loony ideas are pervasive from the CEO throughout the company. I don't like their product either

  3. Dunkin Donuts has much better coffee anyway. Lots of good coffee in many other places where employees love America!
    Make America Great Again :)

  4. Over priced under served. I quit after one visit. DD has friendly staff. WaWa coffee cant be beat for the price.

  5. Thanks for this info. Starbucks will no longer be a part of my daily routine!

  6. Replies
    1. Careful KCSr, You're running out of places to go in Salisbury.

  7. Since the election when the owner said he didn't want any Trump voters as customers, I have not been in any of their stores. I go to Dunkin Donuts or Rise up for my Coffee. I urge others to do the same.

  8. Starbucks is a billion dollar brand. The CEO is a 1 percenter of 1 percenters. I don't understand why the employees think they are part of some type of anti American company. Starbucks is capitalism at its finest. The more 10 dollar coffees the employee sells for 7.25 hour the bigger the owners private plane gets. Starbucks employees are not part of a resistance they are selling over priced mostly unhealthy product for a big corporation that they will never get a piece of.

  9. Never been there, never will..... A total waste. I prefer just good ole' COFFEE.

  10. 9:44 it is a pompous thing, where they think they are better than you, to pay 5 bucks for a coffee that should and actually cost 1 or 2 bucks... They pay for the name, and they are a brand whore... But you can't hate capitalism if someone is that stupid and willing to keep paying for over priced stuff...

  11. I consider stargrunge an anti American company, their coffee is terrible and over priced.

  12. Any reason you did not also add how Star Bucks South stepped up to the plate? You may not care for Star Buck's coffee or prices but the Management of South made a good business decision.

    There must be a lot of folks who prefer Star Bucks from the amount of business they do. By the way I do not hate you people who never go to Star Bucks. I am more of an "to each his own" kinda guy.

    1. Why? Has nothing to do with the disgusting incident!! Clearly stated the location and particular discrimination that occurred. Any reason why your ignoring the discrimination complaint??

    2. 11:28 It has everything to do with the incident - folks on here are trashing ALL Star Bucks for an incident at Star Bucks North, involving a “snowflake” who believed it is his/hers/its right to pick and choose what customers to wait on. That Snowflake needs to be fired if it is incapable of waiting on a proud American without having a meltdown. Mrs Tyler posted the incident on Face Book: on Sunday 3/25 followed by an update on Monday 3/26. Today 3/27 SBYNews posted “the incident” of 3/25 but not post the update.

      I question why SBYews did not post Mrs Tyler’s update saying Starbucks headquarters had contacted her and she was assured that the situation had gotten their attention and is being investigated by all levels of the company. Also a Veteran, employed by Star Bucks south had offered a gift card. Mrs Tyler ended by saying . the gift card would be used at the south location, but not the North. To quote her she said “I believe that there are good people with good work ethic that work in these companies that many may not have a favorable opinion of. I choose to support our country & our veterans. Anyone who works in customer service and especially food service should be required to serve. It is what they were hired to do, without reservation or hesitation.”
      I commend Mrs Tyler’s attitude in supporting our country and our veterans and for not blaming ALL Star Bucks for the meltdown of a snowflake who could not serve a veteran, Star Bucks South is truly blessed with a veteran serving veterans

    3. Actually you sound more like a follower if you go to starbStar

  13. 1117 any reason why you hate America? I particularly love it. USA is the best country in the world. If your not happy just leave or let's stay focused on what happened North.

    1. I love America. I just detest your idiot president.

    2. Oh you would rather have Obama steal your money. Keep you in limbo with - no job; no raises; higher taxes etc .you are the idiot.

    3. Never said I would rather have Obama you zealot. Doednt mean Trump isn’t an idiot.

    4. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 1, 2018 at 6:43 PM

      7:41 you may not like Trump, but I wouldn't call him an idiot. To become a Billionaire and the President requires very high IQ and high level of smartness. So if you like America as you claim and still preffered the Crooked Lying Clintons, than you might be the one big Idiot!

  14. Anonymous said...
    Since the election when the owner said he didn't want any Trump voters as customers, I have not been in any of their stores. I go to Dunkin Donuts or Rise up for my Coffee. I urge others to do the same.

    March 27, 2018 at 10:27 AM

    Amen! Let's put them out of business. The South Salisbury Blvd Starbucks is moving from the overpriced University building across the street. Let's all help them go out of business by purchasing our coffee from Wawa.

  15. When that idiot CEO of Starbucks wanted to make a statement by hiring only Muslims. He lost my business. Never again. Now my teenage daughter thinks it's cool buying coffee drinks from there to post on Snap Chat. Screw that young lady, drink Wawa.

  16. And yet you have a baker who refused based on their religion and got sued, guess Starbucks don't fit the liberal agenda and its ok for them to refuse service.

  17. And I don't hate or have anything against most of the employees at Star Bucks, but I do dislike the CEO his attitudes and liberal opinions. He made it perfectly clear what his position is, and I make mine by not purchasing anything from them. Same with Target.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 1, 2018 at 6:46 PM

      Amen to that! And Double and Triple that right here!

  18. Starbucks is horrid as any coffee connoisseur knows. It's appeal is to those who in plain English are unsophisticated and primitive. It is bitter and highly acidic. They use a dark roast to mask the poor quality of the beans they use. They can do this because they make their money off of milk based drinks using heavily flavored syrups. Their expresso-don't waste your money. Espresso is the essence of coffee beans made by forcing hot water with high pressure through the beans. They use an automated machine which really doesn't make expresso in it's real form. Bottom line you can get a much better quality of coffee in many diners in the US.

    1. You were doing pretty well there for a minute or two, almost sounded like you had a clue what you were talking about....until you said “expresso”.
      Shame...you being a connoisseur and all.

  19. Why does anyone even buy coffee out? It's so much cheaper to brew your own at home and you can fix it exactly the way you want. You can carry it in a thermal cup in the car.

  20. what is "Starbucks" Hahahah

  21. Support locally owned businesses that serve coffee.

  22. Make your coffee at home, saves time and MONEY - which then can be spent on good outing's (TRADING POST) advertised by SBYNEWS!

  23. Starbucks is my favorite, will always be loyal no matter what

  24. Royal Farms coffee is much better.

  25. Anybody have the name of the person that refused service ? That's the person I want.

  26. Had starbucks one time at a company meeting where they had a box of it.

    More like a box of $$it

  27. Love Wawa coffee

    Gordy used to have good coffee from Eastern Shore Coffee - they are the bomb!

  28. You people must really be poor to be worried about the cost of a cup of coffee. Sad!

    1. No we people just enough common sense not to pay $6 for a cup of coffee. Boy I guess the saying is true " a fool and his money are soon to part ways"

    2. It's not the cost that is upsetting. It is the quality that is lacking for that price.

  29. I think their coffee is lousy. That's why I don't give them my money.

  30. Replies
    1. And you get what you pay for.
      Yeehaw Cletus!

    2. Not always. Not anymore. Quality control is dead. The almighty $$$$$ is in.

  31. Sorry, I may be in the 1% but all coffee is nasty! Just like onions, food of the devil!!

    1. Oh oh no don't say bad things about onions. Coffee yes - onions no. Onions smell so good frying and taste so good. What would we do without french onion soup.

  32. Ever notice the extreme wealthy always side with the left. Why has Oprah not built a clean water facility in Flint. Why are so many millionaire N.F.L. players not doing what J.J. Watt did for Houston ? Those poor enslaved players. It makes me sick I will not support anything the N.F.L. endorses. Our poor live better than 90% of the worlds population. Escalades and grocery carts full of steak and shrimp. While our seniors get shit on. This country needs to wake up. Time to clean all the illegals out and make those who are able bodied to work. Democrats created this mess they need to clean it up. Water always seeks its own level. Men of color need to step up to the plate and help educate the young not pass it off on grandmother or baby's momma. All jails should be work camps and not some fraternity house for gang bangers and drug dealers. Oh yea Starbucks sucks.


  33. I work too hard to aspire to pay too much for a cup of coffee. Strike one against them.

    Their Executive Chairman chose to make political comments I strongly disagree with; should have kept his mouth shut. Strike two.

    Far too many comments generally about snotty help and entitled attitudes from their employees, and not a recent phenomenon. Strike three.

    Maybe they can merge with Facebook.

  34. At least the Tylers have the stones to use their names unlike all you “Anon” keyboard jockeys... myself included

  35. @ 3:02 What has Trump done that's idiotic ?

  36. Overpriced crap!!!

  37. Starbucks is a joke!! I sent a formal complaint to corporate office for similar circumstance. I was wearing USMC pray for peace- train for war!! Employee refused to wait on me. As service connected disabled marine corps vet I've earned the right to wear the shirt and damn sure earned the right to buy a cup of coffee. Starbucks response was to try and send me a $10 coupon AND get this try to sing me up for some sort of Starbucks account, unbelievable

  38. Sounds like Salisbury has a bunch of liberal self righteous wanna be bigshots running around town. Same clowns that would take pride in drinking the infamous kopi luwak coffee. Hell I'll do one better I'll digest some coffee beans and pass them through my digestive system and sell it to you. I'll get rich and you suckers can feel privileged that you dumb enough to spend 1000% mark up on a product, SUCKERS

  39. The people complaining about the cost of coffee are the same ones that spend $12 per dozen for bloodworms to try to catch a fish that they can buy $9:99/lb. or $30/box for shotgun shells to shoot at ducks. They gots priorities and no sense.

    1. You should do a little more research. Anybody that has any brain matter at all knows you can go right out in the back yard and get all the night crawlers you want to go fishing. Damn still stuck on stupid purchasing a 10 dollar latte

  40. blood worms and Ducks are sacred hush

  41. Tried Starbucks coffee once years ago. I do not understand what all the hype is about. McDonalds coffee tastes better.

  42. 10:47 I ain't never seen anyone fish with or catch a rockfish with garden worms. You must be city dweller fishing for crappies in pond at the park.


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