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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Sacramento nurse said Stephon Clark deserved it on Facebook

A Sacramento hospital fired a nurse after she wrote on Facebook that Stephon Clark, the unarmed black man who was shot dead by police in Sacramento 'deserved it'.

Faith Linthicum, who works in labor and delivery at Kaiser Permanente Roseville Medical Center, took to Facebook to post: 'Yeah but he was running from the police jumping over fences and breaking in peoples houses…why run??!!! He deserved it for being stupid.'

Linthicum's comments were widely circulated when she was placed on administrative leave before the hospital ultimately issued a statement stating she was 'no longer with the organization'.



  1. I agree with her, if you are innocent of any criminal activity, you don't run, this guy ran after he saw the cops. Don't take much brain power to figure out, comply or die, really simple.

  2. I agree he was a known robber.

  3. It was his choice to die.

  4. You can’t tell the truth anymore. Too many people are offended by it. That speaks volumes about them.

  5. The Point of the article is that you do not tell the truth anymore without repercussion. Keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself or the PC police will come and get you.

  6. I am pro-gun and pro-cop.

    So why is a man fleeing with his back to cops a threat?


    1. Because LEO have to work without the benefit of prescience or hindsight. Perp had committed a crime and was believed to have a gun in the middle of a residential neighborhood. He ran. The police’s FIRST responsibility is to protect the public, not the perp.

  7. He didn't run anywhere he was in his grandmother's back yard. But you white people can care less cause only WLM right

  8. So why is a man fleeing with his back to cops a threat?


    April 5, 2018 at 9:12 AM


    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He didn't run anywhere he was in his grandmother's back yard. But you white people can care less cause only WLM right

    April 5, 2018 at 10:00 AM

    No, that is not right, or even correct.

  9. Anonymous said...
    I am pro-gun and pro-cop.

    So why is a man fleeing with his back to cops a threat?


    April 5, 2018 at 9:12 AM

    I am pro-gun and pro-cop so why would an innocent man be running from the cops? What did he have to hide? How do the cops know that he wasn't a threat? Clark was a known criminal thug with a history or ARMED robbery and gun violence.

    BP you are an idiot. I concur with the nurse.

  10. He never ran until after the first shot. Then they poured 7 more into him because he didn't like taking the first one and ran away from the guns that were firing at him.

    Read the story.

  11. Since when is running from the police a death sentence?

    1. Why run from the police at all? Why be in a situation that requires the police to be called? If police do not need to be involved in the first place hummm just think of how the whole situation got started and who could have avoided this from happening


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