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Saturday, April 07, 2018

Robert Epstein: ‘Tech Companies Could Secretly Shift 10% of American Voting Population’

Robert Epstein, a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, claimed during Breitbart News’ “Masters of the Universe” town hall that the major tech companies have considerable powers of manipulation in elections.

Speaking at the Breitbart News’ “Masters of the Universe” town hall alongside Ann Coulter, investigative journalist and Breitbart Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer and Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, Robert Epstein discussed the power that major tech companies have to manipulate their users and the effect that can have on politics. “The more information these companies have about us, the more easily they can manipulate us,” said Epstein.

“That is, shift our opinions, our thinking, our attitudes, our beliefs, our purchases — and our votes,” stated Epstein. “So, if it turns out, I did a piece for the Daily Caller, a piece I wrote with Ben Edelman of the Harvard Business School, we estimated that if these companies were all working together and supporting the same candidate and really pulling out all the stops and using all the methods they have to manipulate, they could shift ten percent of the voting population of America with no one knowing that they have done this and without leaving a paper trail for authorities to track.”


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