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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Prosecutor 'had an affair' with one of the NYPD cops charged with rape

While searching the cell phone belonging to an ex-NYPD cop accused of sexually assaulting an 18-year-old girl in the fall, investigators discovered illicit text messages and calls between the officer and a local prosecutor.

Kings County Assistant District Attorney, Nicole Manini, 34, allegedly had an extramarital affair with former detective Richard Hall, 33, according to the New York Post.

'During our investigation of this case, we learned that a junior assistant district attorney in our office was engaged in an intimate relationship with defendant Hall and knew [second] defendant [Eddie] Martins socially,' a spokesperson for the District Attorney's office told the Post.

'This ADA had no involvement in or access to the investigation or prosecution,' the rep said. 'Out of an abundance of caution, we have disclosed this information to all relevant parties.'


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