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Monday, April 23, 2018

Obama REALLY Wanted To Take Your Guns

TIME Magazine named the left-wing survivors of the Parkland, Fla., shooting among the 100 most influential people of 2018 Friday, and former President Barack Obama wrote the article praising them.

Right-leaning survivors of the February shooting such as Kyle Kashuv were omitted in the piece. Instead, Obama praised survivors such as David Hogg and Cameron Kasky for dismissing “platitudes and punditry,” despite the pair frequently engaging in punditry themselves. Hogg is the same person whoclaimed that adults “don’t know how to use a f***ing democracy” in an interview with The Outline, and Kasky likened Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida to a mass shooter on live television at a CNN town hall.

“Our history is defined by the youthful push to make America more just, more compassionate, more equal under the law. This generation—of Parkland, of Dreamers, of Black Lives Matter—embraces that duty,” Obama wrote. “If they make their elders uncomfortable, that’s how it should be.”



  1. The supreme lefties can dream all they want, but they will never get our guns.

  2. WTF is a Time magazine?

  3. Hey 0bama, Hitler was thinking he was making Germany more just when he was taking guns away from the Jewish people.

  4. Dave T: Truly disturbing to see how these people are dead set on brainwashing young people into believing it's ok to give up your freedom, all while taking full advantage of their anguish in the wake of a tragedy. This behavior is not only outright manipulative, it's also morally wrong.

  5. Obama is like the Clintons since this last election I am glad I now have become a Republican. The more I now know about either family now I am sorry I made 2 real bad mistakes voting for both Bill Clinton and Obama. I came to my senses when Hillary ran I no longer drink their cool aid, I am Trump all the way. They both squirreled away $ and every dribble that came out of their mouths were LIES.

  6. Sessions is starting the process by confiscating bump stocks. 30 round mags are next. GOP looking out for you and me!

  7. 2:04 you and most people who say that are laughable!!! You won't do squat but what you are told to do like good slaves, especially when you see a team of 8 to 12 stack up on your lawn in full gear...

    I know if Maryland passed laws like Illinois just did, where they outright banned every kind of semi-automatic gun, which is shotguns, handguns and riffles, and you had 90 days to turn them in or your a felon, and you get fined 1k per day until someone narcs on you or until the police find out and come raid you, you will bend over backwards and say, thank you sir, may I have another... None of you have the balls to stand up for rights, you can't do it now over simple things, and you think and expect us you believe you will over the second amendment??? Yeah right... This country is full of pacifist, and the only real hero's were the founding fathers... They fought for a god damn 1 cent tax on tea... 1 damn cent!!!!!

    1. You maybe right but I don't think so. Not on the Eastern Shore.

  8. I would love to challenge David Hogg to a UFC rules fight with a twist. I would put a gun in the middle of the ring that only he is allowed to touch. In the unlikely event I didn't knock him out with the first punch I bet he would be scrambling for it before I even threw the second.

  9. Don't bet on it 2:04...I used to say the same until I realized how much the government/public schools have 'destroyed' the past generations regarding World and American History; understanding Why we have the Constitution and Bill of Rights, understanding Why we have the Freedoms afforded to us. In other words, they are ignorant and no sign of getting education and learning the truth. SAD for everyone isn't it...

    The ONLY path for us now is to TRY very hard to EDUCATE our friends, youth and more who may be in this valley of ignorance. IF WE don't take this seriously; we lose. period

  10. The US government has been given its marching orders: Confiscate the guns.

    The Federal Reserve Bank and its secret members are the people who finance the government and the campaigns.
    They are our rulers.
    They call all of the shots.

    They have made it clear: The guns must be taken prior to the financial collapse.

    And every month of delaying the financial collapse is adding fuel to the fire, making that collapse much much more painful when it does occur. The bankers are the absolute enemy of all people everywhere. They are elitists who believe they should rule over the entire planet. They create currency (all currencies are now fiat) out of thin air and buy the Bonds of every government. They manufacture wars and profit from them. They own the media in every country.

  11. 2:04 p.m...Said the good little Nazi. I'll bet your a cop yourself and can't wait to betray your oath to the Constitution. Go inject some more steroids, maybe you'll have a stroke. As for that stack on the front lawn, that's what claymores are for.

  12. 4:04 make sure it's on pay per view, I'm in.


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