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Monday, April 30, 2018

NOAA/NWS document: wind turbines affect weather radar, create false storm impressions

From the Watertown Daily News, and the “law of unintended consequences” department comes an inconvenient truth from the National Weather Service, that upon further investigation appears to be a nationwide problem for the WSR-88D doppler weather radar network used to predict, track, and analyze severe weather. According to NOAA’s Radar operations center, forecasters are faced with “little or no workaround”.

Part of the reason is that the WSR-88D national deployment in the early to mid 1990’s preceded the mass deployment of wind turbines to provide “green energy”. They had no way of knowing then that their field of view would be polluted by an army of rotating blades.

h/t to John Droz for the Watertown Daily News article below.

Document from the National Weather Service lists possible radar interference impact from wind turbines



  1. And just what other things are affected by wind turbines and solar panels. Maybe 50 years from now we will find out that they cause global climate change. I have yet to see a study about what happens to the climate when massive amounts of energy is removed from the wind.

  2. It is painfully obvious what happens when massive amounts of people fail to get an education.

  3. 7:34 there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

  4. I wonder how much the oil industry had to do with this report?

  5. We don't need or want them. Get rid of them.

  6. April 30, 2018 at 8:47 AM:

    That's right (SAR), oil is much better for the environment.

  7. Wind turbines also disturb marine life, so much so that pods of whales and porpoises have beached themselves in the vicinity of offshore wind farms.

    Something else the media does not explain is that these machines will not last 10 years and if a hurricane comes through, the mammoth machines will be heavily damaged.

    Some things make NO CENTS and wind turbines are one of them.

  8. Anonymous said...

    Wind turbines also disturb marine life, so much so that pods of whales and porpoises have beached themselves in the vicinity of offshore wind farms.

    So, do you have an answer for why pods of whales and porpoises beach themselves where there are no wind turbines within hundreds (or thousands) of miles of the beachings? Of course you don't. Whale beachings are a normal part of whale life, and have been occurring long before humanity could have had anything to do with it. If it occasionally happens in the vicinity of a wind turbine, it is a coincidence, not a because of a wind turbine. I am going to assume that you are teachable, and that you don't only think that whales beach themselves because of wind turbines. If you continue to think that they do, then you are just ignorant.

  9. But John Cannon and Mike Dunn are trying to get the county council involved in this fight even after Ocean City and Worcester County said NO!!


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