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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Nation Patiently Awaits GQ Article Calling Koran Overrated

U.S.—After revered men’s fashion magazine GQ published an article claiming the Bible was overrated, the nation began patiently waiting for the publication to claim the same for the Koran or other religious texts, sources confirmed Monday.

Upon learning of the mag’s recent criticism of the Bible, the nation collectively refreshed GQ’s website and scanned for information on its upcoming issue to determine when the follow-up article criticizing the Koran the team is definitely working on would be published.

“Any second now, they’ll come through,” Andy Paulson, 32, said in an interview. “Any magazine bold enough to call out Christians’ sacred texts is surely brave enough to call the Koran overrated.”

“They’re gonna publish it, just you watch. Any moment,” he added.



  1. Kenya must be so glad Obama wanted to be President of the United States and not President of Kenya. His divisive rhetoric, tearing at the fabric of our nation, may require decades of conservative pushback to overcome. Thanks, Obama!

  2. The Communist-in-Chief must be so proud.

  3. I admit I did not read GQ's article in which it claimed the Bible was "over rated".
    But it makes me wonder: in what context is it over rated?

    Did they mean to imply that it is NOT the most read printed material in the world?'

    More people have read the Bible than any other book in the world - that is a simple fact.

    It has been printed more than any book in the world - another simple fact.

    Thank you

  4. Don't forget the picture of Mohammed!

    1. Lol YES. Full on illustration.

  5. Even the most vocal atheists, who ridicule belief in God and Jesus at every turn, and are such bad-asses when it comes to telling everyone else how much more enlightened they are than the rest of humanity, will NOT SAY A WORD about islam.
    These cult killers will come to their house and slice them up. So, they keep their mouth shut. THAT really shows their committment to their atheist agenda. Brave atheists that they are....
    Don't wait for the Koran article. I'll tell you now -- its a fake book, praising and establishing rape and murder as tools for conquest, calling for the murder of all who disagree, promoting sexual slavery and misogynism, and it's central character is a pedophile. It justifies destruction and violence and glorifies it.
    THAT is what they call their "religion". MS-13 does it and we start a task force. Setting women on fire is a matter of perspective, isn't it, GQ??

    I just saved you $9, or whatever that rag charges people nowadays to give you your opinions on the latest trendy topic.

  6. Hook line and sinker. No one talking about GQ, now everyone talking about GQ.

    Either way... Christians want to have it both ways.. .they want to say that we are a "Christian nation" (whatever that's supposed to mean), so they can exclude anyone else from the public sphere... but then get all bent when they are singled out.

    Playing chess with a pigeon indeed.

    1. Kind of like how every time Liberals demand gun control, gun sales go through the roof. Or when the media talks about eating Tide Pods, kids suddenly start munching Tide Pods. So I'm not sure what your point is. Don't talk about it and it will go away? Great. Let's start with racism and gun control.

  7. Islam, as a religious system, is entirely of Satanic origin. The Devil is behind every aspect of it. It is a "monotheistic" form of the ancient moon worship that Abraham left in Iraq 2000 BC, but which his descendents through Ishmael have continued. When Muslims circle the Kabah en mass, the Devil is the true object of their worship. The Bible teaches that the Devil and demons use religions like Islam in order to be worshipped by man as God. "the Gentiles sacrifice things to demons and not to God" 1 Cor 10:20; 2 Chron 18:21-22; Acts 17:16-23; Lev 17:7 ; Deut 32:17; Ps 106:37; Rev 9:20; Rev 16:13-14; Rev 18:2; 1 Ti 4:1-2; Gal 1:8. That Islam is clearly of satanic origin is seen in how vicious the theological and physical attacks are against Christians or anyone who believes that Christ was crucified at all, or that Christ is God's Son. Islam to pagan Arabs is an excellent satanic counterfeit that has influenced 1/4 of the earth's population. Islam is certainly the Devil's greatest challenge against the one true God and Savior

  8. 11:56 you are revealing the truth and the truth shall set you free!


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