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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Midterm MELTDOWN: Democratic Advantage In 2018 Polls Is 'Shrinking'

Democrats, and, in particular, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, have been particularly optimistic about their chances at retaking the House of Representatives after the midterm elections this fall. But according to a new poll from ABC/Washington Post, it seems they'd do well to take a more cautious approach.

According to the poll released Monday, "47 percent of registered voters say they prefer the Democratic candidate in their district, while 43 percent favor the Republican." That seems significant (although 4 points is often within the margin of error), until you consider that, in January, the spread between the two parties was 12 points, and the Democrats' lead has slipped 8 points since January.



  1. I'm praying that this is the case.

  2. They never had a lead it's media election meddling as usual.


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