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Friday, April 13, 2018

Maryland Adopts Automatic Voter Registration

Maryland will join 10 other states and D.C. in automatically putting residents on the voting rolls when they get a driver's license, use a social services agency or buy insurance on the health exchange.

Gov. Larry Hogan let legislation to create the program become law without his signature on Thursday, and it will take effect next July, after the 2018 election.

Voters can decline to be registered. But advocates say the automatic voter registration program's out-opt structure will end up getting more people registered than the current opt-in one.

Already, the Maryland Vehicle Administration and other state agencies offer residents the option of registering to vote. The new law will have state workers informing residents they will be registered to vote unless they decline. It also requires people who electronically file taxes to be offered an opportunity to register to vote.



  1. Will these people be required to be citizens?

  2. Democrats want people registered so they can round them up by the busload and take them to the polls to vote. Check the number of buses and vans at the polls on election day.

  3. This is to ensure Md stays a backward blue state with Baltimore city mentality

  4. You are already automatically registered Democrat when issued a temporary Visa or death certificate.

  5. More Illegal Aliens voting illegally means more Democrat votes.

  6. what about illegals getting licenses?

  7. 9:27
    They are allowed a license now. They took that option a way for a few years. Going to the DMV was a breeze. Now they allow illegals to get a license and it's a mad house. I sat and waited to get my license renewed last year for over an hour. All while the windows behind me were full of people that didn't speak English. I saw at least 3 of them going through the packets they hand out when they apply for food stamps.

  8. where is gov. hogan on this??? must stop now...

  9. Is it safe to assume the voter registration forms are available in Spanish?


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