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Monday, April 23, 2018

Knife control movement crosses Atlantic

The knife control movement has crossed the Atlantic.

Just days after the mayor of London, where stabbings have surged in recent years, tweeted that anyone caught with a knife “will feel the full force of the law,” a Texas mother who lost her son in a knife attack is taking action.

PJ Media reported Lori Brown said the suspect who allegedly attacked her son “should have not been allowed to have an illegal knife on him and use it to murder somebody.”

She is lobbying Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott for more restrictions on knives.

“As with gun control, she seems focused more on restricting access to the weapon the murderer used than on enabling victims to defend themselves,” the report said.

Her son, University of Texas at Austin student Harrison Brown, died in a stabbing attack on campus in May 2017.

More here

[Next: screwdrivers, scissors, and hammers. --Editor]


  1. Another brilliant idea from the left. Disarm the governed. Why is it so many snowflakes believe government is inherently good?

  2. Knives kill more people then rifles and ar15 in USA..

  3. Pencils, pens, spoons, popsicle sticks, bbq skewers and who knows what else can all be weapons. The problem is with people wanting to use them to hurt others.

  4. I don’t get it. There has been knife control here in MD my whole life. Switchblades are illegal. Anything larger than a penknife can’t be concealed. Butterfly knives can’t be concealed. So how is this a new thing coming across the Atlantic?

  5. Perhaps it's due to a Congress that refuses to help those with mental illness. They do the exact opposite; cut their support to save the elites some cash. Surely some items are better suited for killing than others..why not take care of the problem from both ends?

  6. 11:11 why help the mentally ill when you can help yourself to that lobbyist money.

  7. WE also need background checks, and waiting periods on the purchase of Tide Pods.


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