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Tuesday, April 03, 2018

It’s Time to Remove the Term “Assault Rifle” From Our Vocabulary

When facts are inconvenient, the anti-Second Amendment crowd has been swift and successful at just making stuff up. With the left-leaning Fake News media in tow, anti-gun zealots have many Americans believing that firearm-related deaths outpace car crash fatalities.

The term “assault rifle” qualifies as one of the gun-hating lobby’s false and misleading terms that has infected a national debate on appropriate and responsible firearm ownership. The term has an air of danger and aggressiveness that makes uniformed people afraid. That’s exactly the point.

By taking a factual look at what “would” constitute an “assault rifle,” if such a thing existed, and the reality about the firearms, it’s easy to see that anyone who believes they are a greater danger than a revolver has been thoroughly duped.

What Does “Assault Rifle” Really Mean?


  1. I’ve written before:

    The US government has no choice. They MUST disarm the population prior to the collapse of the economy. The economy was destroyed by the Fed (and other central banks) and all currencies are now fiat. They will reach their intrinsic value which is ZERO. At that time, the economy will collapse.

  2. Like anyone should be surprised. All democrats lie constantly. Democrats have never and will not ever contribute anything positive to society ever. They are filthy degenerates who only excel at lying. The only time they haven't lied is when they called themselves nasty and nasty and gross they are. Not one is worthy to even breath the same air as a Republican. All they do is foul the air because they are so nasty and putrid.

  3. Remove "Activist" also, it truly means "Agitator" or "Troublemaker".

    1. Aka BLM and the Black panthers.

  4. The term "assault rifle" has been used to sway people , an assault rifle is a machine gun or a fully automatic rifle. The term "Ar-15" is an ArmaLite rifle.
    It is less heavy than most rifle and is not an automatic weapon.


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