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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Is DOJ Obstructing Congress in the Trump Surveillance Case?

Did Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) really have to threaten to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in contempt and to start impeachment proceedings? Apparently so.

Nunes chairs the House Intelligence Committee. For almost eight months, Wray and Rosenstein stalled his request for an unredacted copy of the memo that launched the Obama administration’s investigation/surveillance of the Trump campaign. Eight months.

But when Nunes threatened impeachment, he received the memo within 24 hours.

The Committee is investigating whether the Justice Department and the FBI (which is part of the Justice Department) had a credible, legal basis for opening their extraordinary investigation of a presidential candidate’s campaign. And the Justice Department has been trying to slow-walk the Committee’s investigation from the start.

But all the delaying tactics in the world can’t diminish the power of Congress to exercise oversight of a federal agency’s behavior -- or possible misbehavior.



  1. Good example of "The tail wagging the dog", Give them 24 hours or be held in contempt. Let them under Congressional inquiry tell why they are so incompetent in certain matters and STILL keep their jobs!

  2. Yes they are. If they allow this then the more will be known of Clinton's crime along with Mills, Abadean, Podesta, Podesta group and DNC role in the crime. FBI will then have to charge and prosecute them. Instead of obstructing justice they will have to uphold justice.

  3. Impeach and prosecute them regaurdless. They are criminals and traitors. They can never be trusted in those positions...ever.

  4. Captain Obvious comes to mind. Of course they are, silly rabbit.


  5. Obama leftovers are foot dragging while a senator has been blocking DOJ appointments who will crack the whip.

  6. Why do you think they are stalling! Bleaching.

  7. Yes and Trump should dismantle that Department and start all over again.


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