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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Immunotherapy transforms lung cancer, the biggest cancer killer

Combinations, pre-surgery treatment both help stop cancer spread

Immune therapy drugs can transform lung cancer treatment, giving patients years of extra life, doctors reported Monday.

They found that pre-treating lung cancer patients with immune therapy drugs before they have surgery can help melt away the tumor and at the same time limit or even stop its spread.

And combinations of immunotherapy drugs have helped other lung cancer patients get off more toxic standard chemotherapy while also extending their lives.



  1. Keep it coming. Defeat cancer!

  2. Don't smoke = defeating lung cancer!

  3. 11:33 making smoking illegal would save literally billions in healthcare costs. But no, mah precious rights!

  4. 11:33 am
    Not all lung cancer is the result of smoking just as not all sirhosis of the liver is the result of alcohol

  5. Immune therapy?

    You mean "allow the body's immune system to kill the cancer virus"?

    Stop poisoning the patient's body with Chemo and Radiation?

  6. 4:28 You are right. All the children living with smokers are at risk and never smoked a cigarette.
    Smoking, a main cause of small cell and non-small cell lung cancer, contributes to 80 percent and 90 percent of lung cancer deaths in women and men, respectively. Men who smoke are 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer.


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