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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Howard students take over building, demand university president's ouster over financial aid scandal

Howard University students continued a sit-in for a third day Saturday after the historically black school's leaders acknowledged a student financial aid controversy for which six employees were fired.

Photos circulated on social media show a large group of students in the university’s administration building, with a list of demands above the building's door. Students redecorated a wall of leadership portraits with protest posters.

Sit-in organizers circulated a list of demands using the Twitter account@HUResist, including the resignations of University President Wayne A.I. Frederick and the executive committee of the school’s board of trustees.

Two trustees met with students Friday, WTOP reports. Additional meetings were planned Saturday, but a meeting with Frederick was not reported by the students as of Saturday afternoon.

The scandal began Tuesday with an anonymously authored Medium.com post accusing the school of covering up misuse of student financial aid.



  1. Kick them out and cut all government funding to that dump

  2. Why have they not been arrested for trespassing?

    If white students had done this at any place they would have been teargassed, tazed, and arrested.

  3. Shaking my head.

  4. Allowing them to trespass without being arrested sends a message of adults scared of kids. It also says we agree with the total disrespect of law and order.

    And they wonder why there are kids shooting up schools.

  5. All historical Black colleges should be shut down and renamed and diversified as not to discriminate.


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