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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Hillary Clinton's Value Plunges As She Suffers 90% Cut In Speech Fee

Paid $7,000 less than Snooki for speech

When last we saw Hillary Clinton, she was blaming women across America for being subservient to their husbands and voting for Donald Trump.

Oh, and falling down some stairs in India — twice. And breaking her wrist (she's now wearing a cast on her right arm after "slipping in the bathtub").

But Hillary's back in the states now and, as it turns out, her value has plummeted.

The 2016 loser used to charge $250,000 for speaking engagements, back when people thought the former Secretary of State might be sweeping into the White House. That fee dropped 90% this week when she spoke at Rutgers University for just $25,000 (and we know "just" is a relative term).



  1. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 4, 2018 at 5:33 PM

    What! Rutgers University paid her $25,000 for a speech?! What a bunch of liberal morons.

  2. I think the Republicans should pay Hillary to give speeches.

    Hillary is like the gift that keeps on giving every time she opens her pie hole

  3. If you have stock in Hillary.com, sell, sell, sell!!

  4. Well, seeing how we have to listen to her constantly not shut the f up ever for free, why would somebody actually PAY her for the same danged thing?

    Maybe if she charged money for NOT saying anything for 24 hours, she would triple her income, lol!

    Oh, wait. That would be impossible!

  5. Her Value Plunged Along Time ago !!!

    Don't feel sorry for her, you Deplorables !!!

    She has Plenty of $$$$$ in the Clinton Foundation Mafia !!!

    While WE live on Crumbs !!!

  6. I knew when I saw her doing a book signing at Costco that the curtain was closing.

  7. she was overpaid @ that!

  8. Time to put this old dog down.


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