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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Hannity downplays relationship with Michael Cohen: 'It had to do with real estate,' 'it was minimal'

Fox News host Sean Hannity, one of President Trump's most vocal supporters, dismissed Monday's revelation that he was named as a client of Michael Cohen, Trump's longtime personal lawyer.

Hannity began his show Monday with a "special shout-out" to "all you liberals" and the news media, who he said were "absolutely apoplectic and hyperventilating" over the news. He also said that the "rampant speculation" over the revelation "couldn't be more wrong."

He told famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz that his relationship with Cohen was "minimal" and "such a minor relationship."



  1. Who cares if he talked to the man he's a lawyer that's what he does ...Gives advice.

  2. Except Cohen isn’t a real estate lawyer....

  3. 2:27
    yeah, this one smells fishy....

    1. So now it's against the law to talk to a friend of yours it's also an attorney for advice. Mainstream media is Going Bonkers over this. Ridiculous

  4. I am not a layer either, but all I see is a bunch of busy bodies sticking their nose where it has no business. None of my concern.

  5. Why does one need a "fixer" for a real estate deal?

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Except Cohen isn’t a real estate lawyer....

    April 17, 2018 at 2:27 PM

    So, how do you know that. He probably knows much more about it than you.

  7. I guess he should have called Ms Cleo.


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