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Monday, April 09, 2018

GOP Rep Meadows: If Rosenstein Doesn't Turn Over Docs, We Will Move to Impeach

Saturday, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) said that if Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein does not turn over the unredacted documents requested by Congress related to FISA, FBI and more then impeachment could be in order.

“Rod Rosenstein can call Michael Horowitz, who has the documents, and say just give them to Congress. If he doesn’t do that … there is a growing consensus of holding them in contempt of Congress, but it’s not enough to stop there. We have to have someone willing to do the job. If the deputy attorney general is not willing to do it and not willing to allow us to have our Constitutional Oversight Authority supported, then we’ll find someone who can,” said Meadows on Fox News Channel’s “Justice.”



  1. Fire these RINOs.

  2. What in the HELLO are you waiting for!!!

  3. Stop pussy footing around with those jerks,if you don't take serious action nothing is going to get resolved. About the only thing they understand is getting fired, going to jail and the best thing of all losing ALL of their retirement money and benefits.Take action now or your butt will be on the chopping block.People are really getting PO'ed with this crap.


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