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Monday, April 23, 2018

Face 10 Years In Prison If You Don't Surrender Your Bump Stock in 90 Days

When Wayne LaPierre said on CBS’s Face the Nation that the ATF needed to “do its job” with respect to bump stocks, one wonders if he was asking the agency to turn thousands of law-abiding gun owners into outlaws. Because that, my friends, is exactly what is happening.

If you currently own a reciprocating stock you will soon be in possession of a machine gun. Unlawful possession of a machine gun is a crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison, according to the DOJ.

This is not a joke. Attorney General Jeff Sessions published a Notice for Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) last week. (I’ve embedded it below.) If made final, possessors of “bump-stock-type devices would be required to surrender, destroy, or otherwise render the devices permanently inoperable.”

To be abundantly clear there is no grandfather clause in the NPRM. In other words, this is confiscation on a national scale, folks.

“Since the day he took office, President Trump has had no higher priority than the safety of each and every American,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a statement.

“That is why today the Department of Justice is publishing for public comment a proposed rulemaking that would define ‘machinegun’ to include bump stock-type devices under federal law—effectively banning them,” he added.

Even for those of you who said, over and over: Who cares about bump stocks! They break if not the letter of the law than certainly the spirit of the law. They should be banned! Even you should take offense to this NPRM.



  1. Dave T: Wow, Jeff Sessions actually has something to say and is actually taking action when it comes to adding more regulations and b.s. for the American people to follow. He just can't speak, act, or do his job when it comes to other more important matters like punishing corrupt and dishonest politicians.

  2. If you want to cite the constitution for the ability to own a rifle like that I want to own an rpg. Nevermind the fact that our founding fathers had no idea a weapon of that sort would come into existence, I have a right to own it. Right?

    1. They had plenty of rapid fire type weapons when it was written and can say with security they would have supported citizens owning whatever firearm they wished.

  3. This is exactly how the liberals will take ALL of your guns away. It will start slowly and then escalate until the entire civilian militia will be unarmed.
    Salinsky would be so happy.

  4. well since the 2nd was written to give us the ability to stand up to corrupt government and corrupt government officials I would like my own icbm! then I could just nuc washington whenever I don't like what I'm seeing!

  5. So, by simply calling a gun accessory a "machine gun" makes them illegal under federal law, and bans them from ownership. Wow, if that works, how long before they call all guns "weapons of mass destruction" and they ban all guns from ownership?

  6. How can a bump stock be classified as a "machine gun" if it is not coupled with a gun? It is just an accessory, and harmless by itself. It can't hurt anyone, unless you throw it hard enough. It is a machine, but not a machine gun, unless there is a gun attached. A gun attached to a bump stock can and should be illegal, as a machine gun.

  7. 3:16 actually yes you do.


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