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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Donated organs should go to US residents before illegal immigrants, says new GOP bill

Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., has introduced legislation that would give legal U.S. residents preferred status over illegal immigrants when it comes to receiving donated organs.

Posey's bill, which was filed on Friday, would amend the Public Health Service Act to "give preference to individuals who are lawfully present in the United States over individuals who are unlawfully present in the United States."

An aide to Posey said that means illegal residents could still apply to receive donated organs, but "will not receive organs until all legal residents have been satisfied."



  1. Illegals need to go one way, out of my Nation.

  2. There will be lots of tears and hand wringing over this one if it passes (which it won't).

  3. This was not the law already? What part of illegal don't people understand? Is our whole country full of morons?

  4. What's next? White people first? Christians first? Wait, what does the bible say about putting a jewish or muslim heart/kidney/liver in your body?

    1. I think we take care of our own first

  5. We have been catering to illegals for years and most people consider them cheap labor. I just don't get it.

  6. Illegal is against the law, so let them die! There are good working white folks that deserve these organs, not a bunch of illegals.

  7. 9:30 What about the black folks? Such racist and uneducated comments on here. No wonder there aren't people looking to bring good jobs here.

  8. 7:30 so few black people work it is easy to overlook them.

  9. Nothing said about black folks 7:30. Myself I like people, that covers any breathing person and some animals. What I don't like, is illegal people. Please get that in your head. I obey our laws, why wouldn't a squatter? I'm tired of paying their way, I have my family to support legally.


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