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Friday, April 13, 2018

Democrats Demand Government Investigate Company’s ‘News Activities’

Democratic senators are demanding the government investigate the "news activities" of the Sinclair Broadcasting Group, saying they want a federal probe into a private news organization because they are "strong defenders of the First Amendment."

Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and others sent a letter Wednesday to Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai arguing Sinclair is unfit to hold broadcasting licenses because it objects to "fake news."

"We write to express our grave concerns regarding Sinclair Broadcasting Group's conduct," the Democratic senators said. "This conduct affects its fitness to hold its existing broadcast licenses and its fitness to acquire even more broadcast licenses through the proposed merger with Tribune Media Company."

"In particular, we have strong concerns that Sinclair has violated the public interest obligation inherent in holding broadcast licenses," the senators continued. "Sinclair may have violated the FCC's longstanding policy against broadcast licensees deliberately distorting news by staging, slanting, or falsifying information (traditionally known as the news distortion standard)."

"Multiple news outlets report that Sinclair has been forcing local news anchors to read Sinclair-mandated scripts warning of the dangers of ‘one-sided news stories plaguing our country,' over the protests from local news teams," they said.

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  1. Be careful what you wish for libtards. You saw what happened with the Russian collusion investigation, you were exposed. All fingers are pointing at you.

  2. This is why I hate the democrat. They been silent all season about the Shenanigans with Donald. They've been so quite, one can hear them fart form 50 miles away. Nobody likes fake news. But, everyone in the United States Citizens are sick and tired of those 'ole, worn out to the bone, old azz democrat. Hell, I'm 61 years old and this party haven't done a damn thing for me since President John F. Kennedy. Please retire, quit or resign. DNC need fresh and young blood. Damn, I'm so sorry of this old guard of Democrats

  3. It's about damn time. However, what is this country going to do with all those illegal non American speaking immigrant mothers who receive government assistance for their Anchor Babies while living in government housing while their legal husbands are working good paying jobs who visit their family of these illegals mother on the weekends to take them all home to their beautiful home that they will live in once the children turn 18. These illegal immigrants are getting over like bandits. And these farts want to put Americans to work. Hell, If I had $100,000.00, I would quit my job and go quietly into the dark. Think about it, Illegal immigrants get paid muck more a year off our tax paying money and the federal government.


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