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Monday, April 23, 2018

Democratic Donor Network Wants Reparations On Agenda By 2022

Democracy Alliance, a far-left donor club embraced by the leadership of the Democratic Party, has a vision: The way to win in 2022 is reparations to blacks for slavery.

The Alliance hosted a reception — "Way to Win: 2022 Victory Party" — which offered an insight of things to come if Democrats can win. Why they picked 2022 no one knows, but apparently they're thinking it'll take two mid-term elections plus the 2020 presidential election to get in position to control the agenda.

"Take a ride in our time machine to hear from the true political geniuses who made this happen," the group said in an invitation to the reception, which was held last week in the ritzy neighborhood of Buckhead outside Atlanta. "It's 2022 and we are celebrating policy victories across the nation: Medicare for All and Free College, and next on the agenda is Reparations."



  1. Less than 1 percent of the population owned slaves and many of them were black...So who do they think should pay these reparations ???

  2. The old Democrat bait and switch.

  3. Dave T: Haven't blacks been lied to enough by the liberal left already?

  4. They have been living for free for decades. They already got their money

  5. Dems are mentally ill. This has been proven. Who cares what the Dems want...certainly not me.

  6. None of the people alive today ever owned slaves. Why do I have to pay for something I had no part of nor any of my family prior? This is exactly how you start a race war. Feed an entitlement attitude who will bully people that have done nothing wrong until they have had enough. Its happening now and this will tip the scale I fear. Its why they want your guns so bad.

  7. 2022

    11 year sun spot cycle.
    11 is a magical number and all multiples of 11 are magical.

    This is the Illuminati sending a signal to their people.

  8. The elites will "level" society of all races except for the chosen race - who will rule over the rest of the people.
    Therefore the black people must be brought up to the level of the white people to create the leveling effect.

  9. Buying votes again

  10. Anonymous said...
    They have been living for free for decades. They already got their money

    April 23, 2018 at 3:00 PM

    No, they got my money you dumb B@stard! Who said they were entitled to "their money?"


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