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Friday, April 20, 2018

D.C. Ditches Ad Campaign Encouraging People to Report Food Stamp Fraud

The District of Columbia’s health department is ditching a taxpayer-funded ad campaign urging the public to report food stamp fraud.

The D.C. government released a statement on the ads, apologizing to residents for “sharing a message that is not a reflection of our values” and letting the community know the D.C. government had decided to remove them.

“The advertisement missed the mark, and DHS apologizes for sharing a message that is not a reflection of our values,” D.C.’s Department of Human Services (DHS) said in a statement. “In response to community concerns (and our own), DHS is removing the ads and taking steps to ensure future advertisements express our belief that SNAP is a critical and effective program.”

The ads were spotted in the city’s Metro rail system as Congress considers tightening eligibility for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) benefits in the 2018 Farm Bill.



  1. **IMPORTANT**

    Letter to the editor

    The Salisbury Fire Department has a Cluster F*** going on right now at 4:04 PM.

    Engine 16-1, AC 1, and Truck 2 are at SU for Smoke in the Building at the Guereri University Center. No fire, just smoke.

    Then Central dispatches Station 16 and 2 for an MVC with Rescue at West Salisbury Parkway and West Isabella Street with up to 5 patients.

    A Volunteer firefighter 627 was on the scene of the Rescue and started calling for Rescue 16 and Central advised him that there were no units responding. He advised Central there were 5 patients, 4 adults and 1 toddler.

    Paramedic B5 from Hebron was alerted and responding. Paramedic John Wilson asked Central if there were any other ambulances responding and Central said NO! Paramedic Wilson on B5 said "Well you better get 2 more from somewhere!!" Good job John Wilson, Wicomico Central FAILED YOU! Wicomico Central SUCKS!

    Wicomico Central then dispatches Fruitland and Delmar for 2 Ambulances.

    Rescue 16 finally responds and establishes command with that goofball 1616(Jon Black).

    Rescue Engine 302 was diverted from the call at SU to the Rescue.

    Central advises SU Command that there was no Response out of Station #2 Volunteer after 3 alerts and if that was Ok? Little Jimmy said that was Ok. They didn't realert the volunteers out of Station 1 or Station 16, but they try to make Station 2 volunteers look bad.

    SU Command under control at 1624.

    This is an embarrassing day Chief Rick Hoppes with a P!ss Poor response to 2 calls that had to be handled by Fruitland, Delmar, Hebron and a Parsonsburg volunteer fireman.

    This is also an embarrassing day for Wicomico Central for not dispatching the appropriate resources when needed. Thanks to the Paramedic from Hebron who wasn't on the scene yet to tell those idiots at Central what to do.

    God help the next paid fire chief hired by Wannabe Mayor Jake Day!!

  2. **IMPORTANT**

    Letter to the editor

    The Salisbury Fire Department has a Cluster F*** going on right now at 4:04 PM.

    Engine 16-1, AC 1, and Truck 2 are at SU for Smoke in the Building at the Guereri University Center. No fire, just smoke.

    Then Central dispatches Station 16 and 2 for an MVC with Rescue at West Salisbury Parkway and West Isabella Street with up to 5 patients.

    A Volunteer firefighter 627 was on the scene of the Rescue and started calling for Rescue 16 and Central advised him that there were no units responding. He advised Central there were 5 patients, 4 adults and 1 toddler.

    Paramedic B5 from Hebron was alerted and responding. Paramedic John Wilson asked Central if there were any other ambulances responding and Central said NO! Paramedic Wilson on B5 said "Well you better get 2 more from somewhere!!" Good job John Wilson, Wicomico Central FAILED YOU! Wicomico Central SUCKS!

    Wicomico Central then dispatches Fruitland and Delmar for 2 Ambulances.

    Rescue 16 finally responds and establishes command with that goofball 1616(Jon Black).

    Rescue Engine 302 was diverted from the call at SU to the Rescue.

    Central advises SU Command that there was no Response out of Station #2 Volunteer after 3 alerts and if that was Ok? Little Jimmy said that was Ok. They didn't realert the volunteers out of Station 1 or Station 16, but they try to make Station 2 volunteers look bad.

    SU Command under control at 1624.

    This is an embarrassing day Chief Rick Hoppes with a P!ss Poor response to 2 calls that had to be handled by Fruitland, Delmar, Hebron and a Parsonsburg volunteer fireman.

    This is also an embarrassing day for Wicomico Central for not dispatching the appropriate resources when needed. Thanks to the Paramedic from Hebron who wasn't on the scene yet to tell those idiots at Central what to do.

    God help the next paid fire chief hired by Wannabe Mayor Jake Day!!

  3. As if DC has any "Values". They even reelected a Felon Mayor, and put up a statue to him!

  4. So DCs values are to allow welfare fraud

  5. Yesterday a cashier at Wal Mart had to deal with an irate lady in front of me in line.I have a gift at getting behind these idiots.The lady was raising heck about something the cashier said,and she was only trying to help her process the card.She threatened to report the cashier & wanted to know her name,which the cashier promptly provided.All of this crap from a food stamp recipient while the line grew longer.Recent events in the news have emboldened these people it seems.


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