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Thursday, April 26, 2018

D.C. Democratic Lawmaker Donated to Event Where Farrakhan Denounced Jews

D.C. City Councilman Trayon White Sr. (D.) donated to an event in Chicago where National of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan again denounced Jews.

White donated $500 from his constituent services account to the Chicago event known as "Saviours’ Day," theWashington Post reports. Campaign finance law dictates that the constituent services account's privately-raised funds must be used on D.C. residents.

White denied knowing about the payment. However, the account's treasurer, Darryl Ross, said otherwise.

"He said to me, ‘I want you to make a payment to the Nation of Islam for Saviours’ Day,’" Ross told the Post. "So I went on the website to get the information I needed in order to make the payment."



  1. The jewish people overwhelmingly support democrats. Democrats have always supported farrakhan. That my friends tells you what magnificant liars the democrats are!!

  2. In March 2018, White sparked controversy by stating that Jewish bankers control the weather. Following the response from community members and leaders, White apologized, met with Jewish community leaders, and visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. During his visit on April 19, White reportedly abruptly left the 90-minute tour halfway through.

  3. Anonymous said...
    The jewish people overwhelmingly support democrats. Democrats have always supported farrakhan. That my friends tells you what magnificant liars the democrats are!!

    April 26, 2018 at 12:07 PM

    This is true. Here is what I found on White making anti-Jewish comments. And look at the response from some Jewish leaders. I think those Jews were the ignorant ones, not White.

    "White later apologized for making the statement, and said he was working with Jews United for Justice to develop a deeper understanding of anti-semitism. According to The Washington Post, several Jewish organizations in the area said they believed White's apology was sincere and that his comments seemed to have been made from a position of ignorance rather than anti-semitism."


  4. Good to know he's an ignorant anti-Semite, and not an intelligent, well-spoken, thoughtful anti-Semite. Makes a world of difference.

    If he's violating laws and financially supporting Farrakhan he's in tune with Farrakhan's message which is unequivocally anti-Jewish. They erred in giving him a pass for his insincerity. BTW, any chance there's a Holocaust Museum in DC? How stupid can they be?


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