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Monday, April 30, 2018

CURL: Yet Another Reason Why The White House Should Abandon The Big Media Dinner Altogether

Even though the glitterati — or what passes for the glitterati in Washington, D.C. — was decked out in tuxedos and evening gowns, America's Fourth Estate wallowed in the mud on Saturday night, howling with laughter as a comedian made "p***y" jokes, viciously insulted the White House press secretary (as well as the president of the United States), and spat out a disgusting, hate-filled monologue for 20 minutes.

Now you know why President Trump doesn't attend the affair, known as the White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) dinner.

Every April, some 3,000 "players" gather at the Washington Hilton to praise themselves, and at each event, a very liberal "comedian" takes the stage and rips Republicans and conservatives — regardless of who's in the White House. The caliber of the entertainment has plunged over the years, as few seem to want the gig, which is why someone named Michelle Wolf was the headliner on Saturday night.

Wolf is a "contributor" and writer for "The Daily Show with Trevor Noah." She's the latest in a string of "comedians" from Comedy Central to host the dinner — and now the WHCA apparently can't even get the hosts of their own shows. Wolf opened with a most predictable joke, and set the tone for the rest of her act:

"Here we are at the White House Correspondents' dinner. Like a porn star says when she's about to have sex with a Trump, 'Let's get this over with.'" Laughter filled the ballroom. "Yup, kiddos, this is who you're getting tonight. I'm going to skip a lot of the normal pleasantries," Wolf said, although that was already clear.

Hard to believe, but the jokes went downhill from from there.

Wolf made a joke about her own private parts before segueing to President Trump, saying, "I would drag him here myself, but it turns out the President of the United States is the one [p***y] you’re not allowed to grab. He said it first. Yeah, he did.”


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