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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Cop Charged for Shooting 9yo Girl in the Head As He Tried to Kill Her Tiny Dog in Room Full of Kids

Wichita, KS — Earlier this year, a cop was fired after he shot a little girl inside her own home. Showing that they are willing to hold their own accountable, the officer was charged with felony aggravated battery this week.

In January, a Witchita cop was placed on administrative leave after discharging his firearm inside a family’s home—in a cowardly attempt to kill a dog—and hitting a little girl instead.

Then, in an actual moment of accountability, Officer Dexter Betts was fired and he’s now been charged.

The officer was hired last January and barely made it a year before being fired.

According to Kansas.com, Betts becomes the first cop in decades to be charged in an on-duty shooting that resulted in an injury or death.



  1. Obviously, bad bullets.

  2. "I firmly believe that Mr. Betts did not act recklessly under the circumstances, and we look forward to presenting our defense in court,” his attorney said.
    She sounds like Hillary Clinton defending that child rapist/murderer.

  3. At least they charged and fired him. Most of the time they drop all changes and cover it up.

  4. who hired this moron? what training did they provide? here's the problem, we have been scraping the bottom of the barrel for some time when it comes to the hiring practices for police officers in most jurisdictions! the training they are given is shut up and do what you are told. until of course....... anyone with a modicum of education would find another job before dealing with this BS!

  5. Get this, They said and I quote "Showing that they are willing to hold their own accountable, the officer was charged...". How is being fired for murdering a little girl being held accountable???? Mind you, that cops are cowards, and want to shoot anything they can get away with... What was the dog doing when it needed to be shot? Laying on the floor??? Playing??? Snuggling??? That is the first thing cops think of, or want to when a dog is around or walks up to you or them, is to shoot them... Then the cowards claim the typical bs, I was in fear of my life, right becasue a 5 lbs. dog can kill you right????

    Cops are cowards, becasue they fear their own shadows, among everything else...

    1. You obviously didn't read the article but lol. To funny. Fyi I'm not a coward! Have a nice day.

  6. This sounds like one deranged brainless individual what sub-human would do this is front of children. He should get the death penalty + no parole ever.

    1. 35 to 45 pound pit bull (bull terrier) was released by the mother to attack the cop in the same room. He fired one round missing the dog and hit the wall. Dry wall material hit the kid in the head leaving a mark. The kid was treated and released from hospital. The cop was investigating child abuse,dog fighting and welfare fraud accusations. YOU want the cop to be killed for this??! Meh, I think Your a Russian.


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