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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Conservative Parents Are Taking Action Against the Sexualization of Their Kids

Teachers in a dozen elementary schools across Seattle have been trying out new curricula around the topics of gender diversity, expression, and identity since earlier this year — issues that are outrageously inappropriate for the classroom — especially for young children. These are topics that parents, not public schools, should be addressing with their precious young ones when they — the parents — determine the time is right.

Yet despite its reputation for socially progressive politics, the Emerald City is not alone in its aim to push a sexually permissive and promiscuous agenda in taxpayer-funded public schools. This is now happening nationwide — which is why conservative parents are pushing back.

They are fed up...


  1. Like it or not... kids are gonna have premarital sex, and they have been doing it, for as long as we have been on this planet.

    Don't fool yourselves that some puritanical teaching is gonna stop it... it's just gonna make it more dangerous for your kids. They NEED to be taught safe sex practices ESPECIALLY if they are not going to be taught at home, or WORSE, only taught abstinence.

    I am in favor for educating that abstinence is the only sure fire way of staying safe... but if kids are gonna roll the dice... and you KNOW they will.. then we need to be sure they minimize the risk and the harm.

    All the credible research proves that proper sex ed not only REDUCES the number of partners teens will have, but also reduces STI's and pregnancies.

  2. I really have a difficult time supporting teachers these days.

  3. 11:50 sure thats the libtarded agenda double speak. The proper sex ed is moral values and waiting til marriage. Im not stupid i understand your point but, it is te wrong approach. No morals no christain guidance, single parents ,school ,tv its an uphill battle. BUT after removing God from our schools and lexicon is making this problem worse

  4. Communist Mind Control


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