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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Coming Soon...

As part of our ongoing efforts to better serve the people of Maryland, plans are underway to add handgun carry permit applications to the list of available on-line services. The Maryland State Police Licensing Division hopes to have this on-line service available sometime next month. Updates will be posted here. Those with questions can contact msp.automation@maryland.gov.


  1. This is BS, there is no way the Socialist State of Maryland will allow the average law abiding citizen to exercise his Second Amendment rights. However if your an illegal Maryland will bend over backwards to give them our Tax money.

    1. You obviously have never read the second amendment...

    2. And you obviously have never tried to get a right to carry permit in Maryland... impossible for the average citizen to get one to exercise his second amendment rights and Maryland does not recognize your right to defend yourself either. There is no self defense statue on the books! Kill someone in self defense in Maryland and you open yourself up to a murder or manslaughter charge!!

  2. Well at least they made it easier for you to apply and get denied immediately then wait for your application to get there by mail.

  3. So what, the requirements for getting a concealed carry will be the same. I have my own business, routinely carry amounts of cash to the bank for deposit at all different times and days. I have concealed carry permits from Utah and Florida so my background is clean. I have been denied in my own state of Maryland twice for "unjustified reason". I am currently in the appeal process with the review board. The requirements are what should be worked on, what is the sense of making the application easier on-line if you still are at the mercy Maryland politics to approve it?

  4. 10:39 Just carry. If you get stopped by an armed mercenary, shoot, tell the truth. You were being robbed by a cop.

  5. They have been online that is how I renewed. That does not mean you will be getting a permit. It just means the MSP will have less paperwork. Hogan / Legislature has changed no laws. Hogan introduced nothing as he promised. Hogan / Legislature will not introduce a Reciprocity Law with other States, which is ridiculous.

  6. the really absurd part of all this is maryland cares more about your money then you and your family's lives!

  7. How much more do they need to streamline automatic rejection of a license?

    Hey our website makes it more clear. You can be denied a permit immediately instead of waiting 30 days to find out. Oh and the fee will go up.

  8. They just made it easier for retired cops and politicians to get THEIR concealed permits. That's all. They process wasn't developed for the citizens of Maryland, just the elite ins with the corrupt politicians and cops that want to actually DISARM the rest of us.

  9. I say everyone apply as soon as it opens and crash the site for the cops and politicians that the site was developed for.

  10. Maybe they are getting ready for what they think is the inevitable outcome of the lawsuits against Maryland for infringing on our second amendment rights. They saw the outcome for Chicago and DC. And Maryland is in the sights for a Supreme Court decision.

  11. Issuing licenses to exercise your constitutional rights

  12. All the slumlords and some of their employees have permits.

  13. I'm sure the terms to get a permit are outrageous.

  14. So they can get a bigger list of who probably has a gun in their house???

    Dont ask their "permission". Don't register anything. Don't submit to any "questioning" or interviews. Don't offer them anything except the business end of a Second Amendment tool.

    Does ANYONE think this is ANYTHING but another list for them to use???
    (You ain't getting a permit in this state unless you are wealthy).

    I'm buying another gun today. And armor peircing rounds for it, too.
    Put THAT on your list.
    Put an asterisk next to my name, too.

    *** DO NOT go to this man's house.

  15. Imsane should be locked up. Where is the ATF when you need them?

  16. "They just made it easier for retired cops and politicians to get THEIR concealed permits. That's all. They process wasn't developed for the citizens of Maryland, just the elite ins with the corrupt politicians and cops that want to actually DISARM the rest of us."

    3:54.....since when did you gain the talent of knowing what is in the mind or thought's of others. I get sick of hearing stupid remarks from those that are ignorant.
    I have been retired from the job and am not elite. I have never wanted wanted citizens disarmed, but in your case I may make a exception because of that mind set you clearly have shown. As a matter of fact I would and suggest citizens (except you), carry without a permit after proper training. Proper training meaning with and by a certified firearm's instructor, not just shooting cans in a field. Thank you for hearing me out sir or ma'am.
    Oh, another thing they didn't just make it easier, been online for many years.

  17. 10:26...they're busy chasing those rifles they gave to drug dealers.

    I hope.

    Keep cheering.

  18. If you really want to be safe,screw the ccp and just carry anyway.Better safe than sorry.

  19. April 29, 2018 at 10:23 AM:

    Thank you for confirming what I said, Mr. Retired LEO. permits for all retired LEO's and politicians, that's what I said. You just confirmed that the website is for you guys, and not the citizens of Maryland. And tell me again why my comment (that you have confirmed as true) would make you want to disqualify me? It seems it is because I take offense at your "right" to concealed carry, when you are no longer a cop, and are just a citizen like the rest of us. Why do you have the right to self defense, and not the rest of us? YOU are the one that should be disarmed. Retired LEO that recommends that citizens ILLEGALLY conceal carry in Maryland. You talk about ignorant, but you are one totally confused ex-cop. Thank God you no longer practice "law enforcement.".

  20. But you will play hell getting one, if you ever do. They are way too damn strict and you have to be in a life threatening situation to get it. If the situation goes away, no more permit. Maryland sucks big time.


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