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Monday, April 30, 2018

CIA Whistleblower: Trump Is Doing What Kennedy Tried To

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says what is going on with Donald J. Trump “is an ongoing coup to remove a duly elected President.” Shipp contends, “This is a huge constitutional crisis like the country has never seen before. This makes Watergate look like a Sunday school class.”

On Friday, Shipp and other retired top officials at the CIA, FBI, DOJ and NSA held a press conference and demanded Attorney General Jeff Sessions prosecute top Obama era officials for obvious crimes against the incoming Trump Administration. Shipp says,

“We have a coup within our government right now at the senior levels at the CIA, DOJ and the FBI attempting to unseat a duly elected President who was elected by the American people and remove him from office...

This is, at worst, treason with senior officials in the shadow government or Deep State . . . to attack Donald Trump and remove him from office. . . . We have not seen anything like this since the Presidency of John F. Kennedy (JFK), when CIA Director Allen Dulles attacked him, and we saw what happened there...

There is crystal clear evidence that the CIA was, at least, involved with the cover-up of the JFK assassination. Now, we have the same thing happening again...

Remember what Chuck Schumer said, and it was chilling. He said, ‘If you cross the intelligence community, they can hit back at you six ways from Sunday.’ That’s what we are seeing now. It’s collusion or a coup with senior officials at the FBI, DOJ and CIA along with Robert Mueller to unseat an elected president.”



  1. Either this guy is a shill, or his life is now in danger.
    We will all know soon enough the answer to that question.

    The elites control CIA and FBI - and they ALWAYS get what they want.

    I think there is a good chance that Mr. Tump is working for them and this guy is spreading dis-information in the controlled MSM.
    Otherwise, why would he be allowed to talk?

    Ditto for Mr. Alex Jones. I believe he is working for intelligence and tells the public "half truths" to distract us from the larger uglier truth.

    My opinion.

  2. Finally, someone on the inside saying what I've been shouting for months.
    It is a coup: from former Obama officials, Clinton cronies and MSM liberals. How dare a NON-politician, who's never held public office, sit in their sacred chair.

  3. Shipp is exactly right! Glad to see you post this article....this "Shadow Government" is without a doubt true. The proof is with the lies of Comey, Clinton AND Obama and his staff all did illegal things and not the first one of any of them have had charges filed! You go out and do anything close to what they have done and we will be locked up UNDER THE DAMN JAIL! Thanks for posting!

  4. As I have stated on this site several times History is repeating itself. If history was being taught in schools honestly and truthfully all would agree. I have been comparing Comey leadership and J Edgar Hoover leadership. I have been told I am crazy and don't know what I am talking about. I lived during that era and learned / recall the real story. These facts are very close if not exact.


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