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Monday, April 09, 2018

'Chappaquiddick' Star: Everybody Gave Ted Kennedy A Pass

‘Powerful people’ didn’t want movie released

The movie, out April 6, follows the events surrounding the 1969 death of Mary Jo Kopechne. Sen. Ted Kennedy (Clarke) was driving Kopechne, a campaign worker for his late brother Robert F. Kennedy, home on the Massachusettes island of Chappaquiddick when he crashed his Oldsmobile through a fence, landing the car in a pond.

Kennedy escaped the submerged car but Koechne remained trapped inside. The Senator waited 10 hours to call for help.

“I was overcome, I’m frank to say, by a jumble of emotions: grief, fear, doubt, exhaustion, panic, confusion and shock,” he said at the time.

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  1. Born a millionaire, died a millionaire. Dad made his millions running illegal alcohol during prohibition. The whole family was (and is) corrupt. Big brother, and little brother were both killed by their excesses and corruption. Ted should have suffered the same fate, but somehow he made Mary Jo suffer it for him. The people of Massachusetts are some of the dumbest (or corrupt) voters on the planet.

  2. just like Obama...

  3. Yes......Yes they did! Kennedys in general get a pass.

  4. The truth can now be exposed since he is dead.
    Thank you

  5. After this story came to light, didn't Ted use it as a slogan for his 1980 presidential run? "A Blonde in Every Pond" !

  6. Think that they didn't want this one to reach the screen? Listen how they'll howl when somebody creates "Marilyn's Last Day".

  7. Who? He the one that died in the plane crash?

  8. 9:56 NO, he is the one that was a senator and slept 99% of the time he was in office. He was a 1st. class drunk.


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