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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

BREAKING NEWS: Rt. 50 Bridge Is Stuck In The Upright Position: UPDATE: NOW OPEN

The State Highway Association, (SHA) is desperately trying to fix the problem. You may want to take Rt. 90 for the time being. 


  1. I guess there were more problems than they were letting on about. Guess their maintenance and repairs the last couple of weeks didn't work as planned. One of these days that bridge is going to be stuck open on a major summer weekend with a hurricane coming and then the finger pointing will begin.

  2. Suit me just fine if both bridges had a way to be stuck up right I’m tired of everyone coming here although it is wonderful for business speaking of wonderful businesses you can get to a great establishment without even crossing that bridge it’s Oc billiards at trader Lee’s

  3. Weren't they just doing "preventive" maintenance on it last week?

  4. Wow those guys at the state hwy sure do good preventative maintenance Lol SMH.

  5. Fire the supv and head of operations.

  6. Replace the bridge. With the huge revenue that the state gets from OC, it should be a priority.

  7. now they will have to raise parking rates at the inlet to $500 an hour so they can get the bridge fixed.

  8. Screw Ocean City. you money people want to be there tough it out. Maybe we can put a ferry in to get you back and forth

  9. They have been doing preventive maintenance for several years now.
    I thought they were finished?

    It takes forever to get things repaired around here.
    Some really dumb employees?

  10. HA HA HA Ricky. I'm sure a very calm Wednesday turned into pucker factor again. $3M being wasted on the wall along coastal highway, wanting the Route 90 bridges expanded and Route 589 expansion are ALL higher priority than the old/aged route 50 bridge.

    If...when the route 50 bridge does permanently break in season - you/City FAIL will be held responsible and the media will have a field day!


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