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Monday, April 23, 2018

Breaking News: About 10 people were hit, some of them feared dead, as a driver struck pedestrians at two sites in Toronto. A suspect is in custody.

Meaghan Gray, a spokeswoman for the Toronto police, said the authorities received a report at 1:30 p.m. on Monday that a white van had mounted the curb near Yonge Street and Finch Avenue West.

The driver was in custody roughly 90 minutes later, she said.


  1. Common sense law would prohibit driving anywhere near a side walk. Cycling only. Also raise taxes to cover the road blocks.

    1. So put Barricades on every sidewalk ? What's your address so we can send you the bill ? SMH.

  2. Already laws on the books. Dont drive on sidewalks, but hey those dam cars/trucks have minds of there own and just jump the curb and kill anyone in its way...

    1. They are TERRORISTS not law abiding citizens SMH.

    2. Duh 6:47..Lighten up francis, it was a joke

  3. too bad the cop didn't shoot him. Now, a lengthy trial & a slap on the hand.


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